Photo: Fall anemone ‘Honorine Jobert’
The end of summer does not mean that other perennials aren’t beginning their blooming season. Three fall flowering perennials- reblooming daylilies, remontant iris, and fall anemones- thrive here in the Southern Appalachian (USDA zones 6 and 7).
Early fall is a great time to again enjoy a lovely bed of re-blooming daylilies (Hemerocallus spp.). ‘Stella D’Oro’ (golden yellow), the most popular variety for the past quarter of the century, was recently dethroned by ‘Happy Returns’ (light yellow). ‘Pardon Me’ (red) is another re-blooming favorite. Inter-planting daffodils, tulips or hyacinths among the daylily clumps extends your floral calendar another month or two.
Remontant iris (Iris spp.) re-bloom a second time from August through November. The trick to re-blooming daylilies and irises is to provide some relief from summer drought stress. Weekly deep watering is certain guarantee of repeat fall bloom.
Fall anemones (Anemone x hybrida) are available in many colorful varieties, starting with an old favorite and garden performer ‘Honorine Jobert’ (2-3 ” single white blooms), ‘Queen Charlotte’ (3″ semi-double pink), ‘September Charm’ (3″ single rose-pink), and ‘Whirlwind’ (4″ semi-double white).
Do not grow fall anemones in direct full day sun. Plants prefer a partial sun to partial shady spot. Caution: plant in spring thru mid-summer to permit adequate time to establish their roots. Anemones perennialize easily when planted in richly composted, well-drained garden soil.