Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean your trees and shrubs are. Plants, particularly those planted this year, still depend on some love and care from you.
Watering is crucial during the hot, dry summer months. If Mother Nature doesn’t supply adequate rainfall, you must. Plants should receive at least 1” of water each week, whether natural or applied by you.
During a dry period lasting three or more weeks without rainfall, you may need to supply water to your plants twice a week. New transplants of trees and shrubs are particularly in harm’s way. During a rainy period, no water is needed.
A summer mulch is also a good way to conserve soil moisture, keep weeds down, and cool soil temperatures. All of this is a great way to help your plants make it through the summer.
Hold off fertilizing until mid-winter (February through March). At that time, apply a 10-10-10 or fertilizer for shrubs and trees.
Twice a month watering of evergreen plants into the fall and winter months may be needed if the dry weather continues.