Rough-stemmed goldenrod (Solidago rugosa) grows in low woods, meadows and bogs in the eastern half of North America. ‘Fireworks’ (USDA zones 4–8) has a more compact plant habit than the species. This early blooming cultivar provides a long floral display starting in mid-August and lasting through Thanksgiving, weather permitting.
Flowers spikes are numerous and held in tight clusters on upright stems. The yellow, thread-like, cascading sprays of flowers do attracts many insect pollinators; the pollen does not cause allergies as once believed.
Goldenrods grow best in full sun to light shade. While they prefer moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil, established plants flourish in hot, humid and dry summers.
‘Fireworks’ spreads quickly by seed and underground rhizomes and needs to be divide every 2-3 years . This upright herbaceous perennial grows 3 – 4 feet tall and 2 – 2 1/2 feet wide. Remove old flowers to encourage re-blooming. Deadhead or remove spent blooms on ‘Fireworks’ to generate added lateral floral sprays into late October and November. Removal of seed heads reduces re-seeding threat.
Clipping plants back in mid-June by one-half creates a better, well- branched plant, increases bloom head size, and reduces the need of re-staking.