- soil pH of 4.8-5.2 -achieved by an application of elemental sulfur plus acidic organic matter sources such as peat moss and old sawdust
- raising and maintaining an organic level of 3% (and higher) incorporating composted leavs and yard clippings, old sawdust and peat moss
Good garden prep takes 12-18 months, so plan ahead. Add another two years for plants to become established and ready for picking. Spacings between plants are 5-6 feet apart for rabbiteye and 4-5 feet for highbush. For large plantings, allow 10-12 feet between rows for mowing, pruning, picking and other maintenance.
Recommended varieties for the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7):
Highbush: ready for picking from mid-June for 4-6 weeks, cross-pollination not required but recommended. Duke is highly recommended, an early, big berry, excellent quality, and does not tend to overbear. Others are Bluecrop, Echota, Blue Ridge, Berkeley, Jersey.
Rabbiteye: ready in mid-July for 6-8 weeks, cross-pollination with 2-3 varieties is required. Plant Tifblue, Climax, Powder Blue, Centurion, among others.