Leather flower (Clematis glaucophylla) is native to moist woodlands in the Southeastern U.S. This lovely flowering vine is covered with one inch hot pink flowers tipped in yellow. The solitary, 1- inch bell shaped flowers are on 6- inch long stalks which reach out for support. It is called “leather flower” because the petals are thickened almost like a thin banana peel.
A mature vine may open a hundred or more flowers at one time. Leather flower blooms from June to October if kept moist. Its clematis seed heads are uniquely showy. Leather flower is also a hummingbird magnet.
Plant it in good composted soil with adequate moisture and partial sunlight. In zone 6-a (eastern PA) it grows in full sun, and moving further south, provide more shade. Let it grow on a trellis or along a fence or rail. Allow it to weave through a tree or ramble at will. The vine clings by wrapping its leaf stems (petioles) around the supporting structure.
A 2 -year established leather flower grows 12 – 15 feet. Flowering occurs on new growth only. Aggressively prune a dormant vine in late winter (Pruning Group 3), cutting back each main branch to two strong buds close to the ground.
Availability: Sunlight Gardens in Andersonville, TN. Order through the website: www.sunlightgardens.com