Autumn Clematis – Be Careful What You Ask For

Sweet Autumn Clematis on fence

SA Clematis over Holly








Autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora) is a late summer flowering twining vine with dark green foliage. The sweetly fragrant white flowers bloom for 4-5 weeks. The four petal (sepal) blossom is 1 inch across, borne in clusters, and mature into puffy plume-like seed heads. Its deciduous foliage is leathery in feel and remains mostly blemish free through the summer months.

Sweet autumn clematis grows vigorously in full to partial sunlight, easily 20 to 30 feet per year once established after its first year. It is not fussy as to soil type and does not require fertilizing ever. Irrigate only in the first year to get the vine established.

Autumn clematis comes into a garden uninvited and is capable of self-seeding and may become invasive. It can climb up and blanket a small tree or shrub as its arbor. You may thin out the vine in the spring and summer months, so the tree or shrub can access sunlight, allowing both to co-exist.

Autumn clematis has no serious disease and pest problems when properly sited in a garden. It flowers on new wood. Its vigorous growth rate suggests that you cut this clematis back hard before the start of spring. Some additional pruning may be necessary to corral its rampant growth leading up to late August flowering.

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