Snow Fountains® Weeping Cherry Fits Small Gardens

Closeup of Snow Fountain Cherry Blooms

Snow Fountains® (Prunus x ‘Snofozam’) is a slow-growing, weeping ornamental cherry that grows compact. It develops into a 8 to 15 feet tall and 5 to 12 feet wide tree. This cultivar is also listed as ‘White Fountains’ in some nursery catalogs. The cascading branches flow downward or may take on a green mound form. This dimunitive weeping cherry is covered with hundreds of pure white flowers in early spring.

The small 5-petalled white flowers attract numerous butterflies and pollinating bees, along with early arriving hummingbirds. A few small black, inedible fruits may develop 4-5 weeks after bloom, and are of no ornamental value. Summer foliage is dark green, and the 3-inch and longer leaves develop autumn blends of golden or orange before falling.

Grow in a medium moist, slightly acidic, well-drained soil. Plant Snow Fountains (or any cherry cultivar) in full sun and do not overcrowded for good air circulation to insure disease free growth. Prune when necessary after spring flowering to shape and to remove diseased and pest-ridden twigs and branches. Borers and stem cankers can be significant problems when the tree is environmentally stressed.

Aphids, caterpillars, Japanese beetles, and scales continue a possible litany of pest problems. Fungal and bacterial leaf spot diseases may lead to holes in the summer foliage. Utilize appropriate pesticides as needed.

Most varieties of weeping cherries grow very tall and wide for small landscapes. Snow Fountain grows a lot more compact and is an excellent planting option for small urban sites.

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