Hypearls® St. John’s Wort Worth The Hype

Hypericum 'Hypearls Renu' at University of Tennessee Gardens, Knoxville

St. John’s Wort’s (Hypericum spp.) are terrific landscape shrubs and ground covers with bright yellow flowers in late spring and colorful berry fruits starting in late summer (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Bees and birds are attracted to flowers and fruits respectively.

Hypearls® are a new series of hypericums. Cultivars are available in four compact growing sizes, ranging in height from 24-36 inches. The yellow cup-shaped flowers contain numerous stamens; they bloom reliably from July thru September. Attractive berry fruits follow, in colors from cream to red, depending on cultivar. Cut shoots are long lasting and make attractive additions to floral arrangements.

Hypearls hypericums should be planted in full to partial sunlight for heaviest flowering. They grow in average soil as long as it well-drained soil to prevent root rot, a major malady of hypericums. Newly-planted hypericums may initially suffer from leaf burn but quickly recover. Once established, they are heat-lovers. Prune in early spring if you wish to control shrub size or shape.

Hypearls are well-branched with robust foliage, flowering and fruit set. Bright one-inch yellow/gold flowers in July give way to showy cream, red, salmon or pink berries in August.

• ‘Hypearls Jacqueline’ grows 28 inches tall and the berries start out yellow-orange and mature to deep red.
• ‘Hypearls Jessica’ grows 25 inches with round cream-colored berries.
• ‘Hypearls Olivia’ is the tallest at 36 inches, and newly-formed yellow berries mature to a striking salmon color.
• ‘Hypearls Renu’ reaches 30 inches in height and the round cream berries finish bright pink. New foliage has a reddish tint.

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