Japanese cedar, aka cryptomeria, (Cryptomeria japonica) is the national tree of Japan and is also indigenous to China (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). Cryptomeria cultivars vary greatly from very dwarf to rounded shrubs to large tree forms. Needle-like foliage may be dark green, medium green, golden or contorted leaves.
Cryptomerias tolerate hot humid summers and prefer deep, moist, well-drained soils with an acidic to neutral pH, and in full to half-day sun. Two-year trees are moderately drought tolerant.
Spring-summer foliage is bright green; leaves of many cultivars often turn bronzy in winter. Gold needle cultivars are available but not listed here. The rusty red bark, peeling in vertical strips, is also very attractive; older trees are frequently limbed up to show off the bark.
Cryptomeria contracts no major pests and diseases. On occasion, a fungal blight causes inner needles to turn reddish brown; prune out discolored foliage and toss from the property.
This mighty evergreen is wind tolerant, standing up to strong hurricanes; needles are salt tolerant. The upright branches hold up well to snow loads. Tall cryptomerias are easily trained and maintained as a tall single leader tree and utilized as privacy screens or windbreaks.
Cultivars to plant:
Tall tree forms…
‘Yoshino’- the most popular cultivar at 30-40 feet height; bright green needles bronze off in winter in zone 6.
‘Ben Franklin’- difficult to find at nurseries; similar to Yoshino in size and form; needles retain their green color through most of winter.
‘Radicans’ – tall upright pyramidal form, 20 to 30 feet tall x 7 to 10 feet wide; eventually to 40 feet high at maturity; holds its very dark green color throughout winter compared to Yoshino.
‘Black Dragon’ –medium height @ 10-12 feet high x 6 feet wide; deep green needle-like leaves.
‘Gyokuryu’ – compact upright pyramid habit @ 10-15 feet high; dark green foliage with slight winter bronzing.
Shrub forms…
‘Globosa Nana’ – compact shrub form 2 to 3 feet high and wide, almost ball shaped.
‘Elegans Nana’ – globose compact form to 5-6 feet high.
‘Tansu’ – 2 feet x 3 feet dense compact form with rich green foliage; slow grower.