‘Blizzard’ Pearlbush Is Superior Choice

'Blizzard' Pearlbush (photo courtesy of Dr. Tom Ranney)

‘Blizzard’ Pearlbush (photo courtesy of Dr. Tom Ranney)


Large flowered 'Blizzard' pearlbush

Large flowered ‘Blizzard’ pearlbush









Once upon a time pearlbush (Exochorda spp.) was a popular old-fashioned spring flowering shrub. Its flurry of white flowers followed forsythia in early spring bloom cycle (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8, excel in 7 & 8). New on the garden scene is ‘Blizzard’ (E. x Snow Day™) pearlbush. It is blanketed with large white 5- petalled flowers, twice as large as other varieties of pearlbush.

Blizzard pearlbush is an interspecific hybrid (tetraploid) of three Exochorda species and is the creation from Dr. Tom Ranney, plant breeder at the Mountain Crops Research And Extension Center in Fletcher, NC. This 5-6 feet shrub gem displays a distinctive upright branching form compared to taller and rankier varieties. Blizzard pearlbush needs little pruning to maintain its compact nature and may be trained into a diminutive tree. Pruning is best done in spring after flowering is over.

Pearlbush grows in any average soil that is well-drained and mildly acidic. Feed with a slow release fertilizer in late winter such as Osmocote™ or Nutrikote™. Early-spring branches are ideal for forcing inside your home. Pearlbush is highly disease and pest resistant. Spring-summer foliage is medium green and fall changeover is blah.

Pearlbush is native to China. For a great visual look in the spring landscape, set out multiples of Blizzard pearlbushes 5-6 feet apart to develop a short privacy screen or border.

Shop early as the availability of new Blizzard pearlbush may be limited at local garden centers this spring (under the Proven Winners (PW) logo).

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