Carolina Allspice Sweetshrub

Carolina Allspice Sweetshrub

Carolina Allspice Sweetshrub

'Hartledge Wine' hybrid form

‘Hartledge Wine’ hybrid form

Carolina allspice sweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus), aka strawberry bush, bubby bush, sweet Betsy, et al., is a trouble-free medium size spring flowering shrub. This dense rounded deciduous shrub is native to Eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). As its common name hints, flowers emit a sweet fruity fragrance. Intensity of floral fragrance is highly variable among seedling sweetshrubs.

Reddish brown flowers measure 2-3 inches across and bloom on short terminal twigs in May. Flowers give way to brownish, urn-shaped fruits (seed pods) may ripen in fall and persist through winter into spring. Glossy, 6-inch long, dark green leaves which, in some years, hang from twigs through winter. Fall leaf color is highly variable, turn a blah yellow to golden color. Some cultivars exhibit better autumn foliage color.

Sweetshrub requires little care in any well-drained soil in full sun to moderate shade. Adequately water the first year to get the shrub established. Species typically grows 8-10 feet tall and 6-12 feet wide, often taller in shade than in sun. It tolerates a wide range of soils as long they possess good drainage.

Sweetshrub has no serious insect or disease problems and deer seem to leave it alone. To maintain vigor, feed in early spring with a slow-release fertilizer such as Osmocote® or Nutrikote® according to package directions. Prune the shrub within 1-2 months after flowering in late spring, mostly to rein in size and shape. Warning: sweetshrubs tend to sucker, some varieties more than others.

Locate sweetshrub near a patio or deck where its sweet fragrance may be enjoyed. Plant several as a shrub border or deciduous screen.

Significant Cultivars:

‘Michael Lindsey’ was selected and introduced by plantsman Allen Bush. Its vibrant reddish brown flowers are highly fragrant; leaves turn golden yellow in fall.

‘Athens’ opens with soft buttery yellow flowers and delightful fragrance; grows 6 – 8 feet tall and wide.

‘Hartlage Wine’ is a hybrid between Chinese allspice (Sinocalycanthus chinensis) and C. floridus. Flowers are 3 inches wide, maroon to wine colored, with wide petals and very little fragrance; grows vigorously 8 – 12 feet tall by 10 – 15 feet wide; sporadic blooming through the summer.

‘Venus’ is a three-way hybrid cross with 3 – 4 ½ inch wide white fragrant flowers with yellow and purple centers; grows 6 – 8 feet tall and wide. (zone 5 hardy).

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