Yarrows Come In Many Size And Colors

Yellow flowering form of Yarrow

Yellow flowering form of Yarrow


Salmon-Red Yarrow

Salmon-Red Cultivar







Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a rhizomatous spreading perennial (USDA hardiness zones 3 to 9). The species originates from Europe and Asia and was introduced to America in colonial times. Today, yarrow is frequently seen naturalized along roadsides, fields, and gardens throughout the U. S.

Yarrow has fern-like, aromatic, foliage. Floral heads of 2-4 inch wide flattened corymb white flowers (and lots more colors) bloom from late spring through summer. Foliage emits a strong, somewhat spicy aroma that lingers when used in dried arrangements. Depending on cultivar, long-lasting flowers rise 1 ½ to 3 feet high.

Modern day cultivars possess strong stems, more upright forms and larger flowers. Flower colors range from pinks, reds, yellows, whites, and bicolor pastels. Showy flowers are irresistible to butterflies and make great cut and dried flowers.

Yarrow is a sun-loving, easy to grow, and performs well in any garden soils that is adequately drained. Where summers are hot and humid, plants are highly drought tolerant. Stems tend to flop over when grown in moist, rich soils. Protect plants from strong winds. Fertilize at planting time and in early spring as new growth begins to emerge.

Before flowering begins in late spring, reduce tall flowering cultivars by one-half to increase bloom count on more compact plants. Deadheading old spent flower heads will regenerate new blooms on stronger stems. Divide clumps every 2-3 years to maintain plant vigor. Yarrow spreads aggressively by rhizomes and self-seeding.

Stem rot, powdery mildew, rust and aphids are occasional problems, particularly where are poorly sited. Deer and rabbits stay away and the fern-like foliage tolerates air pollutants.

Herbal folklore: Achillea is derived from Achilles, hero of the Trojan Wars in Greek mythology, who used the plant medicinally to stop bleeding and to heal wounds.

‘Little Moonshine’ (new in 2015) – earlier and longer flowering (May-September); very compact 9-12 inches tall by 10-12 inches wide.

‘Peachy Seduction’ – 1 ½ – 2 feet in height and width lovely dense flat clusters of peach to rose-pink flowers; plant forms a tidy mound.

‘Strawberry Seduction’ (the Seduction Series™) – lovely densely packed strawberry-red/golden-yellow centers; dense dark green foliage on sturdy stems; 1 ½ -2 feet high and 2-3 feet wide.

‘Pomegranate’ -red-purple flowers atop 2-3 feet tall and 2 feet wide stems.

‘Pink Grapefruit’new cultivar in the Tutti Frutti series; large, slightly domed, deep rose-pink flower heads atop compact 2 foot stems.

‘Peggy Sue’ –2-3 foot tall, low-mounding plants with robust growth habit and apricot-orange blooms.

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