Starting Oak Trees From Acorns

Acorns Germinating Under Tree In February

Acorns Germinating Under Tree In February

Red oak acorns on tree

Red oak acorns on tree








Acorns begin ripening and falling from oak trees (Quercus spp.) anytime from late August until mid-November. Ripening dates vary from one year to the next. Harvest the healthy plump acorns, either off the tree or from the ground. Remove and dispose of the cap. If you have collected several kinds, identify and label the oak species.

Plant all white oak species group, including white, bur, chestnut and swamp white oaks, immediately in the fall. Red oak species (pin, red, willow, shingle, sawtooth, et al) acorns may be planted in early spring or in late autumn.


White Vs Black Oaks: White oak acorns mature in one year and will often sprout on the ground outdoors in warm autumn weather. White oak acorns do not exhibit seed dormancy and will start germinating after falling to the ground. Red oak acorns mature in two years. Members of the red oak group possess seed dormancy and generally will not germinate until the following spring; they require a minimum chilling of 42 days chilling period. If stored properly and kept damp, red oak acorns can be held in cold storage for planting in late April through early summer.

If spring planting is desired, store acorns into a polyethylene plastic bag, designated “freezer bag”. Fill with lightly moistened peat mix or sawdust. Inspect acorns through the winter and keep mix slightly, but not sopping wet. Do not freeze acorns. Plant pre-chilled acorns of the red oak species group in early to late April in the ground or into containers.

Direct Sowing In Containers: Select the healthiest looking acorns (plump and healthy) and place 1-2  acorns to a 1 inch depth into loose potting soil in one-gallon pots (#1 size) with drainage holes on the bottom. The tap root will grow quickly to the bottom of containers. Keep the soil (media) moist.


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