Japanese cedar, aka Sugi or Cryptomeria, (Cryptomeria japonica) is the national tree of Japan and also flourishes in China (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). It is one of the most variable conifers ranging from very dwarf rounded shrubs to large tree forms with golden or contorted leaves. It tolerates hot humid summers and prefers deep, moist, rich, acidic to neutral soil in full sun.

Cryptomerias is utilized as a fast growing privacy screen in many areas of the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). The cultivar ‘Yoshino’ is highly popular, but in many landscapes, it grows way too tall @ 30-40 feet (15-20 feet wide). Shorter tree and shrub cultivars are better choices for small to medium-sized gardens (see list below). Gold needle cultivars are available but not listed here.
Cryptomerias grow straight trunks with smaller sturdy lateral branches attached. The orange red bark peels away in vertical strips. Older trees are often limbed up to display their attractive bark. The short needles often develops a purple-bronze color in climatic zones where winters are more harsh. However, needles rapidly green-up in spring.
Cryptomerias are rarely troubled by pest and disease problems. Infrequently, a fungal blight and canker may cause needle browning on scattered branches. Prune out dead, broken, or discolored foliage when observed and remove clippings from the property.
This reliable evergreen is wind tolerant, even standing up to strong storms. Needles are also salt tolerant. Upright branches stand up well to snow loads. Cryptomerias make reliable privacy screens or windbreaks.
Intermediate And Dwarf Forms:
‘Black Dragon’ –medium height @ 10-12 feet high x 6 feet wide; deep green needle-like leaves.
‘Gyokuryu’ – compact upright pyramid habit @ 10-15 feet high; dark green foliage with only slight winter bronzing.
‘Globosa Nana’ – compact shrub form 2 to 3 feet high and wide, almost ball shaped.
‘Elegans Nana’ – globose compact form to 5-6 feet high.
‘Tansu’ – 2 x 3 feet dense compact form with rich green foliage.