Uniquely Different ‘Red Dragon’ Contorted Filbert

European filbert or hazelnut (Corylus avellana) is native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa where it is often found growing in thickets and hedgerows. Red Dragon™ filbert is an outstanding red leaf selection of contorted filbert (C. avellana Red Dragon™). This unique landscape shrub grows 6 – 8 feet tall and 5 – 6 feet wide. It is a good addition to urban gardens (USDA hardiness zones 4-8).
This red–leaf shrub was developed by the Oregon State University filbert breeding program. Currently, gardeners are losing the popular green leaf variety C. avellana ‘Contorta’, aka “Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick’ to Eastern filbert blight. Red Dragon filbert demonstrates superior resistance to the disease. Red Dragon also replaces ‘Red Majestic’, another red leaf variety that is also vulnerable to Eastern filbert blight.
Contorted filbert grows best in moist, organically rich, well-drained soil and in full sun to partial shade. It tolerates average garden soils. Prompt removal of root suckers improves plant appearance, avoiding a messy buildup or thicket.
Autumn leaf drop exposes its contorted branches and ornate floral catkins in early days of spring. Filberts are monoecious, e.g. individual male and female catkins (flowers) develop on the same plant bloom in the early days of spring (March-April) before leaves emerge. The 2-3 inch long yellow male catkins (flowers) stand out. The 4-inch elliptical or ovate leaves have doubly serrate leaf margins.
Red Dragon filbert retains its burgundy red leaf color until early summer and turn dark green. The foliage is also partly curled. Leaves are coated with tiny hairs and appear dusty by the end of summer. Fall leaf color is variable, often with yellow shades. Smooth light bark is gray-brown.
Nuts appear in terminal clusters of 1-4 and are half covered in ragged husks. Nuts ripen in late August and September that the neighborhood squirrels and birds should enjoy.
Red Dragon filbert may also be grown in containers. Disease and pest problems are few. Japanese beetles may rigorously attack the foliage in some areas of the U.S. Scale may also occur.
‘Red Dragon’ is grafted cultivar and is sold by e-commerce nurseries online. Red Dragon filbert requires little or no pruning; removed all root suckers and keep the shrub well mulched. ‘Red Dragon’ is sold either grafted or not. It is through e-commerce nurseries online.