Crinum Lilies, aka “River lilies”, “Cape Coast lilies”, and “Creole lilies”, are native to Southeast Asia. Crinum lilies are more akin to Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) than true lilies (Lilium). Considered to be an old staple in Southern gardens, crinum lilies are seen growing around old cemeteries, old farmsteads, and in ditches (zones 7-10).
Over time long-lasting crinum may bloom and rebloom all summer long. They grow tall (40-50 inches high) and the foliage makes bold statement in many residential gardens. Crinum Lilies prefer lots of sun and soil moisture during its period of active growth. Plant in humus-rich soil that has excellent drainage. Crinum bulbs resent constantly wet ground, particularly during the winter months.
Exhibiting moderate drought tolerance, keep them adequately watered during prolonged dry spells. When starting out, make sure to plant receives plenty of water along with good soil drainage. Once flowers have bloomed, reduce the frequency of watering.
Crinum Lilies excel in the summer garden. Good light and direct sunlight are crucial for this fragrant plant. Crinum Lily should receive at least 2-4 hours of direct sunlight. Some hybrids fare well in partial shade.
If planting in pots or tubs, lift them to protect over the winter months and return outdoors when safe. Store them dormant @ 35-40 °F. When planting them in large pots and tubs, add some coarse gritty sand for drainage. Mulch heavily to blanket the ground to protect bulb(s) from cold or harsh weather.
Feed crinum lily with plant fertilizer monthly when they are blooming using a high phosphorus fertilizer like 10-10-10 or equivalent. Do not feed the plant in the fall and winter months.
Crinum Lily forms a lovely cut flower. When a flower begins to fade, prune or snap it off, and a new bud nearby will open a few days later. Remove (prune off) dying bottom leaves and excess leaves to maintain a neat plant.
Enjoy crinum lilies for decades. Bulbs are best divided over the fall and winter months. Newly divided small-sized bulbs may require 1-2 years to reach flower size. During the summer, you’ll find that it’s more difficult with the foliage present.
Shopping for crinum lilies? Visit or mail order: Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC, Jenks Farmer in Columbia SC, and Brent and Becky’s Bulbs in Gloucester, VA for a good selection of crinum lily bulbs.