Here is a partial listing of cultivars of Western arborvitae (Thuja plicata), as found in the U.S. nursery industry. Several are good choices for dwarf conifer collectors, in rock gardens, and in large containers. Winter hardiness of some cultivars is variable. Note: some are dwarf forms of ‘Green Giant’ arborvitae (Thuja standishii x plicata) which is a hybrid form.
‘Can-Can’ – semi-dwarf, dense, upright tree habit, 8 feet high and 5 feet wide in 10 years; dark green foliage with golden-white tips. (zones 6-9).
‘Excelsa’ – up to 35 feet tall with 20 feet spread; bright green fan-like foliage rated as fragrant. (zones 7-10).
‘Grune Kugel’ – ultra-dwarf slow growing dense mound 12 – 18 inches tall, 18 – 30 inches wide. (zones 5-8).
‘Hogan’ – medium-size columnar grower (40 feet x 20 feet) with dense narrow habit (sometimes mislabeled ‘Fastigiata’). (zones 5-7).
‘Junior Giant’ – about 40% to 50% the size of Thuja ‘Green Giant’ (about 20 to 25 feet tall and 10 feet wide). Branches seem to be held more horizontally. (zones 4-8/9).
‘Pygmaea’ – irregular upright branching; 2-3 feet shrub in 10 years. dense, blue-green foliage, tips may turn bronze in winter. (zones 5-8).

‘Rogers Aurea’ – reaches 4 – 5 feet high and wide with an oval to globose growth habit; decidedly smaller compared to the standard ‘Aurea’ with a broad pyramidal habit; bright golden yellow foliage outwardly, greenish on inner wood. Needles turn gold/orange-ish/bronze color in winter (depending on severity). (zones 5-9).
‘Stoneham Gold’ – dwarf form to 7 feet tall, compact, upright habit; branch tips are golden-yellow. (zone 7).
‘Sunshine’ (also may be ‘Canadian Gold’) – 40 – 70 feet tall, with bright gold needles that reportedly turn off bronze in winter. (zones 5-9)
‘Virescens’– slightly narrower habit, 20-30 feet tall and 9-12 feet wide. Glossy, dark green foliage holds its green year round without winter bronzing.
‘Whipcord’ – shrubby, slow-growing, dwarf form with pendulous whipcord-like green foliage; 2-3 feet tall and wide in 10 years, ages to 4-5 feet; scale-like leaves may turn coppery-bronze in fall. (zones 5-9)
‘Zabrina’ – large tree form, 40 feet at maturity, with broad, pyramidal habit; variegated foliage, specially for its bands of green and golden-yellow. (zones 5-7).