The gift of a poinsettia means you should enjoy the beauty over the next three months or more. Your poinsettia should be warmly wrapped to protect from chilling outdoor temperatures from the garden shop to your home or apartment.
- If applicable, carefully unwrap the protective sleeve around your poinsettia to prevent injury to leaves and bracts and set it in a well-lighted winter that receives 4-6 hours of bright light daily. Keep the plant from cold or drafty windows.
- Keep poinsettias away from warm radiators, air vents, and open doors. Poinsettias perform at their best in daylight temperatures of 60 to 70°F and night time temperatures around 55°F. High room temperatures will shorten plant life. When possible move the plant to a cooler room at night.
- Check the soil (potting media) daily. Be sure to punch holes in pot foil so water will drain into a saucer or gravel tray. Water thoroughly when soil is dry and discard any excess water after 2-3 hours.
- Mist the plant with room temperature tap water daily to raise the room humidity.
- Start feeding your poinsettia within a month after purchase with any houseplant fertilizer. Or use a water soluble fertilizer such as Miracle-Gro™ or Peters™ @ one teaspoon per gallon of water. Continue to fertilize every 3-4 weeks through March.

With proper care, a poinsettia should continue to be colorful in your home to late February and into March. Snip off the dead or dying once colorful bracts.