Seven Son Flower (Heptacodium miconioides) is a large, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that grows 15-20 feet tall and 10-12 feet wide at maturity. This rare unique specimen is catching on in the U.S. because of its year-round appeal (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). It is an excellent choice for a lawn specimen or plant several in a row to create a tall shrub border. It may also be trained as a single- or multi- trunk deciduous tree.
Starting in late summer into early autumn, terminal panicles of fragrant, creamy-white jasmine-like flowers arise. Flowers are flattened clusters of stalkless blooms (six in number). Flowers are followed in fall by small, purplish-red fruits (½” long drupes) crowned by very showy, rose-pink calyces which elongate after bloom and last into late fall. Floral display of white-petalled flowers last several weeks. Petals fall and ruby red sepals expand, giving the appearance of twice blooming from August to October.

Of winter interest the tan-brown bark exfoliates to reveal its attractive brown inner bark. The medium green leaves are narrow, shiny, and ovate-oblong in shape. A nursery-grown container plant transplants easily. This tree/shrub is becoming more available at on-line nurseries but is still difficult to find at independent garden centers.
This moderately fast-growing tree performs best in full sun and in good landscape soils that exhibit good drainage and retain enough moisture to survive dry periods. Light spring pruning is needed following harsh wintry weather.
Butterflies, other pollinating insects, and hummingbirds frequent the nectar-filled blooms late in the season. Serious insect or diseases are rare with this plant if the plant is properly sited and maintained. Seven son is the recipient of a number of Regional Plant Awards in the U.S. and Great Britain.
Tianshan® is new selection for smaller gardens, grows 8-12 feet high by 5-7 feet wide.
Temple Of Bloom®, introduced in 2019 by Proven Winners (PW), grows 10 feet tall and wide.