Pfitzer junipers (Juniperus x pfitzeriana) are standouts in the winter landscape (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Many varieties are utilized as groundcovers. Pfitzers are easy care, low maintenance plants when properly sited in full sun and well drained. Around coastal areas, pfitzers are moderately resistant to salt injury.
Give pfitzers lots of space. Their plume-like evergreen branches spread widely from a central growing point and some corrective pruning may be necessary. From one year to the next, snip back an “offending” or wildly aberrant branch back to preserve its graceful feathery habit and symmetry.

Pfitzer junipers serve as stunning backdrops for low deciduous shrubs and perennials. Small trees ladened with colorful berries such as ‘Winter King’ hawthorn, crabapples, or deciduous hollies to list three) or the colorful bark of ‘Little King’ birch, ‘Sango Kaku’ coral bark Japanese maple, or select cultivars of crape myrtles. They serve as a lush backdrop for low growing evergreen hollies ladened with red or gold berries.
Three cultivars are highly rated:
‘Angelica Blue’ – a horizontal branching form that reaches 6 or 7 feet in height, but their width may be up to 10 feet.
‘Daub’s Frosted’ – a compact, low-spreading, evergreen with its two-toned foliage (blue green foliage frosted with yellow new growth at tips). New growth emerges yellow but matures to blue-green; grows 1-2 feet tall (almost ground-hugging) and 3-6 feet wide.
‘Gold Lace’ – lacy golden plume foliage that reach the center of the plant and intensify in fall and winter; this compact reaches 3 to 4 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide.
Scout (inspect) plants for bagworms that may damage the foliage when population numbers are allowed to get out of hand. Bt (Bacillus thuringensis) is a safe organic pesticide when used early in the attack.
Plan ahead. Pfitzer junipers are robust growers, particularly in the mid-South (TN, VA, NC, GA) where shrubs generally grow 20-30% bigger than what is described in most garden books. Around coastal areas, pfitzers are moderately resistant to salt injury. Pfitzer junipers live quite a long time.
Add snipped juniper branches to holiday wreaths, swags or table centerpieces.