Jewel Orchids (Ludisia discolor) are native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Compared to the tree-climbing epiphytic Phalaenopsis and Cattleya orchids, Jewel Orchids are terrestrial plants that grow on tropical forest floors. Jewel orchids are grown primarily for their spectacular dark and colorful veined ovate foliage and secondarily for their flowering.

Jewel orchids grow in low light and high humid environs; their roots grow in soil-less media containing sphagnum peat moss or coarse bark. Consider them as low light house plants in 80%-90% shade. Leaves feel velvety and are quite decorative with red-white or golden veins; leaf colors are burgundy to maroon to richly green.
Jewel orchids bloom once yearly, primarily in winter. Plants produce clusters that rise up on long floral spikelets above the dark exotic foliage. Jewel orchids grow well in well-drained, slightly damp soils. You need to lightly fertilize every 2-3 weeks during the spring-summer growing season and half that in late fall and winter months.
Flowering is something to look forward to. Small white flowers appear on long spikes that shoot up. Flowers may lack fragrance, but the bloom stalks are lovely over 4-5 weeks.
Common growing problems are twofold: 1. root rot, likely caused by overwatering or poor media drainage, and 2. brown, curling leaves caused by low humidity or excess light. Foliage spotting is an early symptom; follow up immediately to alter the plant’s environment.

Jewel orchids are not commonly available local garden centers but are sold at on-line plant sources. Two genera – Ludisia discolor and Macodes petola – are popularly listed online. L. discolor ‘Alba’ – leaves are bright green with white veins and white flowers.
There are other genera of jewel orchids to collect: Ludochilus, Anoectochilus, Dossinochilus, and hybrids thereof. Lightning Bolt Jewel Orchid (Macodes petola (velvety leaves / silver veins) and Lava leaf orchid (M. sanderiana x limii).
Jewel orchids are fast growing and make terrific terrarium plants. Repot the plant annually to refresh the soil.