Among my favorite summer flowering perennials are the hardy herbaceous hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos). During the early days of August, Walters Gardens, a premier perennial plant breeder, requests garden writers to celebrate and promote their awesome product line of Summerific hardy hibiscus. Last week, the first week of August, was dubbed Summerific Week. It’s never too late to promote a great plant.

Summerific® Hibiscus, aka rose mallow, get noticed for their flower power. Plants are indeterminate, e.g., they produce flower buds at the internodes along the length of the stem, not just near the top of the plant. The individual blooms are 5- 8 inches wide and available in many colors.
Summerific Week is a promotion that these hibiscus are fabulous summer flowering perennials. These herbaceous hibiscus grow fast but are long-lived garden plants. They have various leaf shapes and colors and are cold hardy to Zone 4.

Rose mallow boasts huge, vibrantly colored flowers. Give them lots of water and full sun (6+ hours). Full sun means more flowers. Grow rose mallows in a good garden loam and do not allow plants to wilt severely. Give them lots of space as plants are robust growers. Most Summerific® varieties grow at least 4-5 feet tall and wide.