Summerific® is a trademarked series of Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) from Walters Gardens Inc. in Zeeland, Michigan. It is a native perennial hibiscus that emerges from the soil in late spring and grows rapidly. Both their huge flowers and foliage are natural focal points in the summer garden. This long-lived perennial can be utilized as a low floriferous landscape hedge or as a thriller in containers. Their showy flowers attract pollinators like hummingbirds and bees. (USDA hardiness zones 4-9).

Plants prefer full sun and moist, well-drained soil. At least 5 hours of direct sunlight is ideal. Like other dark-leaved cultivars, full sun is necessary to bring out the deepest tints of foliage color. Hibiscus shrubs are not picky about the soil quality as long as excess water is allowed to drain away. Of key importance is to irrigate deeply during seasonal dry spells. Plant grows best in full sun and moist, well-drained soil.
Fertilize perennial hibiscus with a slow-release fertilizer after the first round of flowers fade, and a second feeding in mid-summer. You can also opt to feed plants using a water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks until late August.
Plant perennial hibiscus in the garden before the heat of summer arrives; heavily mulched plants the first winter. In spring, cut back any remaining stems before new growth appears. Do not trim back stems in fall. Cut plants back near the ground with a lopper pruner or a saw in early spring.
Perennial hibiscus is one of the last perennials to emerge in spring, but its vigorous growth rate more than makes up for its late start. Be aware that Japanese beetles find these plants especially delicious for a short time in late spring and should be treated accordingly. Perennial hibiscus are also deer resistant.
Remove spent flowers to keep plant(s) tidy; deadheading blooms does not enhance re-blooming. In areas with cold winter temperatures, spread a thick layer of organic mulch around the base of hibiscus plants in the fall.
Three New Selections
Summerific® All Eyes on Me produces blush pink flowers that measure a staggering 8-inches wide with crepe paper petals and with a dark magenta eye; well-rounded shrub with dark green leaves. Plant Height: 3.5 feet tall and wide.

Summerific® Holy Grail has very dark, near black foliage that coordinates beautifully with the very large, 8-9-inch-wide deep red flowers. Plant Height: 4 to 5 feet tall (4.5 – 5.0 feet wide).
Summerific® Cookies and Cream is a night and day combination of matte black foliage and pure white flowers. Plant Height: 2.5 to 3 feet tall (3.5 to 4 feet wide). It grows exceptionally compact with sturdy stems. White, slightly cupped, 6-7-inch-wide flowers are borne from top to bottom of stems; cultivar blooms earlier and longer compared to standard varieties.

Summerific® Hibiscus Promotion is scheduled the first week of August each year.