Few woody plants can matched for year-round beauty of Seven son flower. Temple of Bloom® is an outstanding selection from Proven Winners™ (PW) is a beautiful, easy to grow this deciduous small tree or large shrub. It grows 10 -20 feet tall and 6-10 feet wide. In spring, the handsome leaves emerge, each sporting dramatically deep veins that make the plant stand out in the landscape. As the season progresses, the leaves grow larger and develop a long, twisting tip. (USDA plant zones 5-9).
Temple of Bloom seven-son flower is just coming into its own as a landscape specimen in August. Large bud clusters of fragrant white flowers open that bees, butterflies, and a few hummingbirds. It is a good source of nectar for butterflies, esp. monarch butterflies and other insect pollinators in the fall. The flower show lasts for weeks into late September before the white petals fall gracefully to the ground. Days and a few weeks later, the floral green sepals (calyx) change to vivid dark pink (bracts). Neighbors will believe that it has bloomed twice different colors in the same year. With winter’s arrival, seven son’s elegant frame stands out, fully revealing its amazing light tan peeling bark.

Plant seven-son in a special spot in your landscape where it can be seen and appreciated year-round. Seven son flower is available in limited numbers at upscale garden centers mainly in the spring – early summer.
Seven-son flower asks for little care. This moderately fast grower thrives in a range of soils from poor to rich while preferring not to dry out completely. This member of the honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae) family is not an aggressive self-seeder. It is not troubled by serious disease and pest problems.
This unique tree from China flowers twice in late summer and fall when most other plants are winding down. Its trunk and branch bark peels off in thin strips year-round, although this feature is especially noticeable in the fall and winter months. Tan bark exfoliates to reveal attractive brown inner bark, which provides good winter interest. Leaves are narrow, shiny, ovate-oblong and medium green. This plant, native to China, is rare and its wild populations are vulnerable to extinction. It is becoming increasing in popularity as an ornamental shrub, though it may be difficult to find.
Temple of Bloom® is a compact, early blooming selection of seven-son flower. The fragrant flowers appear in dense clusters from mid-summer into early fall, which lengthens the period of time the showy, pink calyces can be enjoyed.

- Verticillium Wilt, a fungal pathogen that also damages Maples, Ash, Eastern Redbud, and Smokebush, can attack Seven Son Flower.
- Suckers may be a frequent problem for young trees.
- Seven Son Flower trees don’t tolerate extreme cold or heat. Seven-son Tree is currently facing the threat of extinction in China due to loss of the plant’s natural habitat.