Although wild gingers, Asarum and Hexastylis species, can be found the world over, most are indigenous to the shaded woodlands of Asia, Europe, and North America. Wild gingers are members of the Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort family). Several species of Hexastylis and Asarum grow exceptionally well in the Southern Appalachian region (Zones 5b-7b). New varieties continue the marketplace.

Wild gingers are frequently planted as a groundcover under trees and shady areas of a garden. They thrive in full to partial shade and usually will fail under full sun. Plant wild gingers in a humus-rich, acidic, moist, well-drained soil. This blog includes Asarum species that I have seen in my travels over the past 40 years.
Shuttleworth ginger (Asarum shuttleworthii) is a southeast U.S. native with blue / green variegated foliage and spring chocolate and purple flowers; 6 – 8 inches tall and 8 -12 inches spread; exceptional heat and humidity tolerant. var. ‘Callaway’ is a slow-growing, mat-forming version with silver mottled leaves; ‘Carolina Silver’ has slightly arrow shaped silvery-cream foliage. ‘Velvet Queen’ has larger, round, silver mottling foliage than ‘Calloway’. ‘Eco Medallion’ is a silvery selection with compact growth. (zones 5-8).
European wild ginger (Asarum europaeum) is a popular European species with glossy, leathery, dark green 3″ wide leaves; evergreen in mild winters; urn-shaped, greenish yellow 1/2″ wide flowers in late spring. (zones 4-7).
Chinese wild ginger (Asarum nobilissimum ‘Deep Throat’) produces giant, glossy, green leaves, which can reach a whopping 8″ length. Asarum ‘Deep Throat’ is slow spreading via thick rhizomes, and in good growing conditions can produce a 3′ wide patch in 10 years. In mid-spring, clumps are adorned with ginormous 4″ wide dark purple flowers, flecked with tiny yellow specks, and a wide white eye zone highlighting the dark purple socket.
Chinese ginger (Asarum splendens) ‘Quicksilver’ grows 8 inches tall and has large 6 inch-long, heart-shaped spreading habit with large silver mottled glossy foliage that are silver mottled. and spread 12- inches wide and 2-inch-wide flowers with white centers; Evergreen (zones (5b)6-9).

Several Asian wild gingers have incredible black and white flowers within mottled heart-shaped foliage compared to U.S natives. Check out Panda face ginger (Asarum maximum) and cvs ‘Ling Ling’ and ‘Green Panda’ and Chinese Giant wild ginger (A. delavayi ‘Sichuan Splendor’). (zones 7b-10).
Asarum Care: Easily grown in humus-rich, slightly acidic, consistently moist, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. May self-seed in the garden. Plants do not perform well in the hot and humid summer temperatures of the deep South. No serious insect or disease problems have been reported when plants are proper planting steps are followed. Slugs, snails and leaf gall are sometimes troublesome. Watch for rust.
Where to buy: Local garden centers are unlikely selling species of wild gingers. For the serious collector, do your homework and pay close attention to hardiness zones of wild ginger species. Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC is a choice shopping spot for collecting new species and cultivars from around the world.