Cryptanthus bromeliads are more commonly known as “Earth Stars” and “Starfish plant”, a name they received because of the shape of their foliage. These mostly tropical plants are found in humid forested areas. Over 1,200 different varieties are cataloged worldwide and make great terrarium plants. Many flaunt beautiful foliage ranging from dark green, bright reds, pinks to silvery stripes. Many Cryptanthus hug the ground at only 2 – 3 inches high; others can range in sizes of 4 – 8 inches tall. (USDA hardiness zones 9-11).

Earth Stars grow in a well-drained house plant soil. In their natural habitat, the tree canopies under which they grow permit some diffused sunlight through. Plants thrive in moist media (potting soil) and medium to high room humidity. Specialty potting mixes are available at full-service garden centers. Alternatively, mix your own media with sand, sphagnum peat moss, and perlite.
Earth stars grow in bright indirect light and avoid direct sunlight. Water moderately but consistently, allowing the soils to almost dry on top before re-watering. Reduce watering from fall to late winter. Plants relish high humidity in summer, so consider setting plant in a humidified room or on moist pebbles. Propagate by stem or leaf cuttings. Cut back foliage as needed to maintain plant form. Fertilized monthly (March-October) with any house plant branded fertilizer including Miracle-Gro or Schultz at one-half the package rate.

Like most bromeliads, Cryptanthus only bloom once during their lifespan. They bear small delicate white flowers near their leaves. Following up, the plant produces pups around the mother plant’s base. They can be removed and potted up in a peat-perlite potting soil. Pups may also form either at the end of stolons or at a leaf axis. Pups should remain attached until they are roughly 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the mother plant after which they can be removed and potted. You may have to stake the pup until it develops sufficient roots to hold itself up.
Cryptanthus can survive in a wide range of temps, but they thrive best between 60 and 85°F. They are easy to grow indoors as well as outdoors in many moderate climates. Bring indoors in the fall and winter in temperate climates.
Most Cryptanthus varieties prefer indirect sunlight. In the summer seek shade nearby tall leafy yard trees. Exposure to a few hours of early morning sun often enhances leaf color(s) of earth stars. On the other side, direct sun will likely bleach or sunburned the foliage. If cryptanthus appear stressed, move them to a spot with less direct sunlight. Under inadequate light plant foliage appear drab and not very colorful.