Archive for the ‘Annuals’ Category

Fuzzy Bolivian Sage

The large and bright fuzzy blossoms of Bolivian Spearhead Sage (Salvia oxyphora), aka Fuzzy Bolivian Sage, should catch your eye in late summer and early autumn. Equally attractive is the plant’s lush tropical-like glossy green foliage. This sage inhabits the edges of moist forests in the foothills of the Andes. It is grown as an annual in full sun in Northern […]

Smart Water Use In The Summer Garden

When the heat of the summer settles in, water is in high demand. Here is some practices to implement when planting a water-wise garden, irrigating lawngrass, and better mulching practices to improve soil moisture levels: Lawn grass species vary in their water needs. Cool season grasses like fescues and bluegrasses are moderately drought tolerant, turn […]

Mexican Bush Sage

Mexican bush sage (Salvia leucantha), aka velvet sage, is a perennial that lights up the late summer / fall garden (USDA hardiness zone 7b-10). Indigenous to Central America and Mexico, it can be grown as an annual that grows to about 3-4 feet tall. In the U.S., bush sage is only hardy from the lower […]

Seven Picks For Your Summer Shade Garden

1. Coleus (Solenostemon) are known for their colorful foliage in containers around trees or shrubs. For shady areas select the Kong Mosaic™ or Wizard™ series. 2. Begonias, as a group, represent lots of variety series. Most garden begonia varieties should do well in beds, planters and pots. Begonia types like the Rex and Angel Wing are grown […]

Attracting Hummingbirds

In early spring many area gardeners rush to set out hummingbird feeders filled with a sugary solution to encourage these feathery critters to visit. However, the sugary drink also attracts ants, bees, and wasps. The solution does not furnish vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that hummingbirds pick up from pollinating flowers and eating insects. In addition, […]

Growing Cosmos

Cosmos are native to Mexico. In the U.S. these old-fashion annuals bloom throughout the summer months and attract birds, bees, and butterflies to your garden. They produce colorful 2- to 4-inch wide daisy-like flowers that sit atop 3-5 feet tall slender stems. Cosmos make excellent cut flowers and dwarf forms are ideal in containers. Annual cosmos […]

Elephant Ears In The Garden

If gardeners want to add some tropical punch to the garden, elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) and a close botanical cousin (Alocasia) are one of the first plants that I recommend (USDA hardiness zones 7b-10). Also called ornamental taro, plants take off and grow rapidly after spring planting (when all threats of freeze injury have waned). […]

Annuals To Plant In 2021

I spend spring, summer, and fall months visiting public gardens mostly in the eastern and southeast U.S. (Ohio/Pennsylvania south to Florida with camera in hand). I get ideas of new flowers to plant in my garden next year. Here are five flowering annuals that caught my attention. Begonia ‘Canary Wing’ – this golden leaf plant […]

New Soiree Kawaii® Vincas

Vinca (Catharanthus), also called Madagasar periwinkle, is a popular summer flowering bedding plant. Soiree Kawaii® series of catharanthus hybrids from Suntory (C. roseus) continue among the favorites at California Spring Trials since their introduction three years ago. Vincas start blooming, and continuously thereafter, from spring planting to the first frost in autumn.  Soiree Kawaii vincas perform […]

Love in A Mist (Nigella)

Love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena) is a popular cool weather annual. It is also known by several other names including “ragged lady” or “devil in the bush”. Nigella belongs to the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) and is native to southern Europe, North Africa and southwest Asia. In its natural habitat, nigella is found on neglected, damp patches of […]