Recently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recognized ten more animal species as Endangered Species, providing them protections under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. These 10 species include 7 species of bees. Endangered status will afford the rusty-patched bumblebee protection under federal law. Bumblebees build their nests in the ground (and other places). Honeybees, however, […]
Archive for the ‘Autumn flowering’ Category
Photoperiodism – Short Day/Long Day Plants
“Photoperiodism” or daylength is responsible for triggering flowering in numerous plants. Some examples of short day plants are poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima), fall mums (Dendranthemum spp.), asters (Symphyotrichum spp.), Thanksgiving (Schlumbergera truncata), Christmas (S. bridgesii) cacti, Kalanchoes (Kalanchoe spp.) and Salvias (Salvia spp.). “Photoperiodism” is the amount of light and darkness a plant is exposed to. The […]
Key Points About Poinsettias
The beautiful poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) has become a symbol of the Christmas and winter holidays. The showy colorful bracts, that most people think are the flowers, are actually modified leaves. The tiny “true” flowers are in the center of the bracts. Joel R. Poinsett introduced the poinsettia plant to the United States from Mexico. Poinsett […]
American Witchhazel Blooms in Autumn
American witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is the last native flowering plants to bloom in the calendar year. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree, native to woodlands, forest margins and stream banks in eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). It typically grows 15-20 feet tall as a multi-stemmed shrub and 30 feet tall in tree form. Beginning in […]
Polar Express Sunbelt Rose Big Winner At 2016 Biltmore Gardens Rose Trial
If you grow roses in the U.S. Mid-South region, the historic Biltmore Gardens in Asheville, NC is key source for discovering what varieties you should be growing. Recently, a jury of world rose experts selected the winning roses in the 2016 Biltmore International Rose Trials. Since 2011, Biltmore’s historic Rose Garden has been home to the trials in which more […]
Some Zone 7 Camellias Survive In Zone 6 As Well
A short list of early blooming Sasanqua camellias possess the ability to do grow well in zone 6 areas. In my opinion, the zone 7 cultivar ‘Shishigashira’ steps to the head of the class. It is a November bloomer that has proven to be exceptionally cold hardy dwarf variety. The good folks at Cam Too, a camellia […]
‘Furman’s Red’ Sage For Long Blooming Period
Texas sage (Salvia greggii) is a low bushy native perennial or woody shrub. It is native to Texas south to Mexico and varieties come in white, red and purple. It has proven to be exceptionally cold hardy (USDA hardiness zones 5b-9). Furman’s Red sage is a superior cultivar here in the Southern Appalachian region.Flowering is best in spring, less […]
Late Summer Bulbous Beauties – Spider Lily and Fall Crocus
Spider lilies (Lycoris radiata) go by a number of colloquial names including resurrection flower, surprise lily, and naked ladies. Naked 1-2 foot tall flower scapes bear 4-6 bright coral-red flowers. Each 2- inch long flower exhibit reflexed tepals and long protruding stamens resembling spider legs (common name “spider lilies”). Almost overnight, the leafless flower spikes […]
Flowering Cabbage and Kale For Autumn Gardens
Creating both edible and ornamentally pleasing vegetables has been a goal of plant breeders. Flowering cabbage and kale (Brassica oleracea) are a new landscaping niche in the autumn garden. Plants develop huge leafy rosettes and eventually form heads. Color patterns on leaves include white, cream, red and purple shades. The […]
Japanese Asters (Kalimeris) Are Summer-blooming Gems
Double Japanese asters (Kalimeris pinnatifida) are not true asters. They bloom in summer unlike the more popular fall blooming asters (Symphyotrichum spp.). Essentially, the genus Kalimeris (from Asia) and Boltonia (U.S. native) are closely related and used interchangeably. ‘Pinnatifida’ is without question the best known cultivar. In August the plant is smothered with 1-inch diameter semi-double white daisy flowers […]