Archive for the ‘Begonia’ Category

Heat Tolerant Annuals That Create Their Own Heat

In some parts of the U.S. summer is sizzling, and it may also be very dry. Several colorful annuals cope with summer heat and humidity better than others. Northeast U.S. cities are sweltering near 100°F. A sure bet is that every summer will be hot and humid in Savannah, GA. Near a popular restaurant is […]

Big Begonias

The Benary ‘Big Begonia’ series are a hit, “begonias on steroids”, some gardeners may say. Individual flowers are twice that of other bedding begonias. Colors are vivid with three cultivars currently available . ‘Big Rose Bronze Leaf’ is my personal favorite. (pictured) Begonias grow best in well drained, humus-rich garden soil. Provide tender -loving care […]