Archive for the ‘Globe amaranth (Gomphrena)’ Category

Heat Tolerant Annuals That Create Their Own Heat

In some parts of the U.S. summer is sizzling, and it may also be very dry. Several colorful annuals cope with summer heat and humidity better than others. Northeast U.S. cities are sweltering near 100°F. A sure bet is that every summer will be hot and humid in Savannah, GA. Near a popular restaurant is […]

Try ‘Fireworks’ Gomphrena in Your Garden

‘Fireworks’ gomphrena was a sensation in the University of Tennessee Gardens at both the Knoxville and Jackson locations in 2009. Gomphrena (globe amaranth) is a great summer annual that asks for very little care. It is heat, humidity and drought tolerant. Gomphrena hold up to the wind, blooming from day of planting in May (after […]