Archive for the ‘Spring flowering’ Category

Bleeding Hearts Delight In The Spring Garden

Bleeding hearts (Dicentra spp.) are truly one of nature’s glorious delights in the spring garden (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Old fashion bleeding hearts (D. spectabilis), indigenous to Asia, grow taller and wider compared to their North American counterparts – wild bleeding heart (D. exima) and Dutchman’s breeches (D. cucullaria). Old fashioned bleeding bear larger (and showier) flowers […]

Easy To Care Siberian Iris

Siberian iris (called beadless iris) are favorites of gardeners and landscapers. Why? – ease of maintenance, plant longevity, and trouble free. Their flowers are smaller than the bearded iris blooms, but their grass-like foliage stays attractive  all season long. They are more cold hardier. Siberian irises are mostly hybrids of two southwest Asian species, I. sibirica […]

Growing Nasturtiums

Old-fashioned nasturtiums never lose their appeal, whether in the garden or as a garnish on a salad, or added to stir-fries, or favorite pasta dishes. Depending on the variety, some may be grown as climbers on fences and trellises or as bushy plants in a window boxes and containers. Around the world there are several […]

Saucer Magnolias

Saucer magnolias (M. x soulangeana) are deciduous hybrid magnolias (M. denudata x M. liliiflora) as broad shrubs or small trees. They typically grow 20-30 feet in height and width. Saucer magnolias are often called tulip magnolias because of the shape of the colorful blooms. Flower colors range from white, pink, rose, purple, magenta, and burgundy. Flowers […]

Early Flowering Magnolias

If you live (and garden) in the northern  climes of the U.S. and Canada, Magnolia ×loebneri Leonard Messel is an excellent choice of a flowering yard tree. It is a hybrid deciduous magnolia (M. kobus x M. stellata) (zones (4)5-9). Other similar crosses include ‘Ballerini’ and ‘Merrill’. Leonard Messel magnolia grows to 20-30 feet tall with a rounded crown. It is […]

American Hornbeam – Versatile Small U.S. Native Tree

American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), aka ironwood or muscle wood, grows primarily in moist, slightly acidic soils along woodland rivers and streams (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). This native hornbeam adapts to either wet or dry ground as long as soil moisture drains off, and it does not  flood over long periods. This durable small tree copes with […]

Spring Star Flowers (Ipheion)

Spring star flowers (Ipheion uniflorum), native to Argentina and Uruguay, feature grass-like foliage and 6-petaled star-shaped flowers on 3-6 inches tall stems in early spring (April). Each bulb produces multiple flowering stems. Flowers range in color from almost white to violet blue and emit a mild spicy fragrance. In addition the grassy foliage gives off an oniony […]

Tips for Growing Abutilon (Flowering Maple)

Abutilon (Abutilon x hybridum) is a group of tender evergreen perennials (USDA hardiness zones 9-11). In USDA hardiness zones 6 thru 8, abutilon is grown outdoors from mid-spring to mid- autumn, when it is moved indoors and grown as a tropical houseplant. When moved indoors, partially cut back to fit its indoor space. In early spring prune the plant […]

Fall – Winter Pruning Dos and Don’ts

Pruning is a chore that you don’t need to put off until spring. Many trees and shrubs may be pruned this autumn. However,  NOT all landscape trees and shrubs are pruned.  Here are some pruning guidelines to follow: WAIT to  prune spring flowering deciduous shrubs such as Forsythia, Lilac, Bridal Wreath & Vanhoutte Spireas, Quince, Viburnums, Fothergilla, […]

Stoloniferous Dogwoods Jazz Up The Winter Landscape

Red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub native to much of the Northern and Western United States (USDA hardiness zones 2-7). Without question these shrubs standout in winter by their colorful stems (see pruning recommendations below). Cut branches are an added plus for indoor arrangements. The yellow-twig form (C. sericea ‘Flaviramea’) is also available. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate […]