Archive for the ‘Winter flowering’ Category

Winter Honeysuckle Totally Ignored In U.S. Landscapes

Winter honeysuckle, aka fragrant honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima) is a treasured heirloom shrub (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). Plantings of this late winter blooming large woody shrub are still found in historical (older) urban neighborhoods and city parks planted prior to the 1960’s. This tough, durable shrub can reach 10+ feet tall and wide. You […]

Three Fun Bulbs In The Late Winter Garden

Three charming bulbous late winter bloomers add much-needed color to the garden at a time when most other plants are dormant. Reticulated iris (Iris reticulata), called dwarf iris by many, is native to parts of Russia, Iran, and central Asia. This small vibrant Iris awakens in many gardens towards the end of winter. Its pre-spring […]

Chinese Paperbush (Edgeworthia)

If you garden in winter hardiness zones USDA zones 7 -10, Chinese paperbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha) should be a must-have winter flowering shrub. In my zone 6-b garden, my shrub struggled through its first winter and spring, but paperbush has never disappointed over its past 20 + years. A few gardeners living near me are also […]

Christmas Rose

Christmas roses (Helleborus niger), aka Christmas roses, are early winter flowering lenten roses. They bloom around Christmas time if winter temps are generally still mild. Based on the severity of winter temps, start of bloom date will vary considerably between H. niger and the more popular Helleborus x hybridus (H. x orientalis). (USDA hardiness zones […]

Winter-blooming Snowdrops

Snowdrop (Galanthus spp.) are grown in both cold and moderate winters. In the U.S. snowdrops thrive where winters are cool (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). There are about 19 species of Galanthus – in the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). They’re native to the cool woodland and mountainous regions of southern Europe and Asia Minor. They tend to struggle in […]

Triggering Holiday Cactus To Bloom

Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti are not desert plants. They’re indigenous to the tropical rain forest environment in South America. Holiday cacti thrive in bright indirect sunlight along with other house plants. Set them near an east-facing window when indoors over fall and winter or shaded under trees outdoors in the spring and summer months. Indoors, […]

Woodland (Snow) Crocus

Snow Crocus, aka early crocus (Crocus tommasinianum) is a late winter to early spring blooming bulb (corm) that is native to southeastern Europe into Asia.  These tiny crocus are generally the first to pop its leaves above the ground and even bloom when there is snow on the ground, hence its common name.  Snow crocus are […]

Seven Winter Blooming Shrubs

If you live where winter temperatures are generally moderate in the low teens, a number of shrubs bloom in winter. In the Delmarva and mid-South regions (USDA hardiness zones 6-7), these seven plants bloom reliably for 2-3 weeks before spring officially arrives. 1. Winter honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima), aka fragrant honeysuckle, are covered with small fragrant […]

Growing The True Christmas Cactus

Despite its name, the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera buckleyi) is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees and rocks in habitats that are generally shady with high humidity. This tropical member of the Cactus family (Cactaceae) is not a true cactus. Tiny roots may cling to the plant or rock that it’s growing on. It is […]

Snowdrops (Galanthus)

Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring. Depending on the region where you live, snowdrops appear in the early days of spring; often snow still blankets the ground. Snowdrops are tiny plants (3 – 6 inches tall) that produce multiple small showy, white, bell-shaped flowers, which hangs off the ends […]