Flame azalea (R. calendulaceum) is a spectacular sight when it flowers in early May through June (depending on location). The mountainsides across the Appalachian region seem to be afire with their yellow, orange or red flowers (USDA hardiness zones 5 thru 8). Its native habitat is in open, dry sites in woods, on the hillsides, and […]
Archive for the ‘compost’ Category
Wonderful Bellworts For Woodland Gardens
The soft yellow bell-shaped flowers of bellworts (Uvularia spp.), aka merrybells, contribute to spring’s awakening in U.S. woodlands and shade gardens (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). On both U. grandiflora and U. perfoliata, flower stems pierce (pass through) the center of the leaves. A third species, (U. sessilifolia), nicknamed Wild Oats, […]
The Winterhazels Bloom In Late March Garden
Winterhazels (Corylopsis spp.), native to China and Japan, represent a group of winter flowering shrubs of varying heights and widths (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). Few U.S. gardeners know them. Their bright yellow colored flowers are larger and showier than witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.). Flowering begins as the witchhazels (they’re […]
Rose Care Starts With A Good Planting Site
Roses should be planted 4 feet apart on a garden site that receives 6 to 8 hours of sun. The garden soil must be well-drained and pH between 6.0 and 6.5. Prevent disease problems by providing good air movement between plants and not crowd them. Spring thru mid- summer is an ideal period to plant roses to allow […]
Growing Zone 6 Hardy Camellias 101
Drs. William L. Ackerman with the USDA (deceased) developed bred a series of interspecific crosses between C. oleifera and C. sasanqua, C. hiemalis, or C. vernalis selections. Many, not all, are identified as the Winter series because they bloom in the fall into very early winter. Dr. Clifford […]
Mt. Cuba Center Evaluates Heuchera (Coralbells) Cultivars
Over the past quarter century, gardeners have enjoyed the wonderful heuchera revolution (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). A great many hybrid cultivars have been introduced with more arriving every spring. Unfortunately, the flood of new cultivars has given us a huge number of poor selections. As I talk with […]
All About Mulches
Mulches aid in retaining soil moisture and reducing weeding chores. Over the years organically-based mulches gradually improve garden soils. Organic mulches are basically recycled bark, branches, twigs and leaves (including needles). Frequently they are organic by-products from the logging industry. Grass clippings and straw are also mulch sources. Hay is usually full […]
List of Zone 6 Hardy Camellias Grows Longer
If you live and garden in USDA hardiness zone 6, several camellia cultivars are winter hardy. The past decade has seen an increase in the list of hardy cultivars. These same cultivars are also reliable planted in zone 7. Here is a sampling of the best Zone […]
Species Tulips Thrive in Tough Spots
Species tulips (mini-tulips) are tough! In the wild they grow in the winter environs and dry soils of Central Asia, the Middle East, and China (USDA hardiness zones 3-7). In gardens they prosper for many years in full to partial sun and in average soil with good drainage. Over the centuries mini-tulips have been improved. […]
Prep Garden Soil In The Fall
Often, spring arrives with too many gardening chores to handle. Some work can be shifted to the fall. Since a garden is only as good as its soil, fall is a good time to till your garden or to construct new beds. Add soil amendments such as deciduous leaves and pine needles which nature is providing for free. Till amendments […]