Archive for the ‘compost’ Category

Bleeding Hearts Delight In The Spring Garden

Bleeding hearts (Dicentra spp.) are truly one of nature’s glorious delights in the spring garden (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Old fashion bleeding hearts (D. spectabilis), indigenous to Asia, grow taller and wider compared to their North American counterparts – wild bleeding heart (D. exima) and Dutchman’s breeches (D. cucullaria). Old fashioned bleeding bear larger (and showier) flowers […]

Growing Nasturtiums

Old-fashioned nasturtiums never lose their appeal, whether in the garden or as a garnish on a salad, or added to stir-fries, or favorite pasta dishes. Depending on the variety, some may be grown as climbers on fences and trellises or as bushy plants in a window boxes and containers. Around the world there are several […]

Know About Liriopes

Monkeygrass (Liriope muscari) and creeping lilyturf  (L. spicata) are native to Asia. They are known by several names including lilyturf, monkeygrass, spider grass and liriope (USDA hardiness zones 6-10). Some varieties are hardier than others. In general, L. muscari have more narrow leaves. Depending on variety, spikes of lavender, purple, or white flowers arise in […]

All About Soil Drainage

Many landscape plants die because they were planted in soil that was too wet or soggy. Poorly drained soils are generally poorly aerated. A high water table in an area limits your choices of plants that you may grow. Plants that grow naturally along streams and ponds are good candidates for poorly drained sites. During periods of heavy […]

Hardy Sedum Groundcovers

Sedums (Sedum spp.) are tough, easy to grow perennials (zones 3-9). Plants prefer average dry to moist well-drained soils and full to partial sun. Most sedums do not tolerate wet soils. Their thick succulent glossy leaves lead to the plants’ exceptional drought resistance. Sedums are exceptionally easy to root from leaf and stem cuttings. Low groundcover types […]

“No Dig” Planting Of Tulips

Digging lots of holes to plant 25 0r 50 tulip bulbs is a backbreaking chore. It doesn’t have to be that way. More than a decade ago, plant researchers at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., developed a planting method called “top-planting”. It eliminates all the digging and the tulips come back and bloom well for […]

Overwintering Caladium Tubers

Dr. Mary Lewnes Albrecht, retired dean of the Herbert College of Agriculture at the University of Tennessee, offers her recipe for overwintering caladiums. For many years Dr. Albrecht has been saving several heirloom varieties by this procedure: #1.  Plants start to go dormant in late September through October (zone 7a Tennessee) and earlier if summer […]

Ten Native Shrubs Possessing Great Fall Leaf Color

Some native U.S.  landscape shrubs are not only great spring/summer flowering shrubs, but their fall foliage color(s) are an added attraction. Here are ten of my favorites listed alphabetically by genus: Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parvifolia) – foliage of this summer flowering shrub turns bright yellow in fall. (zones 4-8) Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) – under-planted native shrub that […]

Success In Growing Franklinia Tree

Franklinia (Franklinia altamaha) is a uniquely different large shrub or small tree. Great plant for the “I can grow anything crowd”. Rated hardy in USDA hardiness zones 5-8, I’ve never seen a landscape quality specimen in zone 5 and find that the tree performs best in zones 6 to 7. Success with growing franklinia hinges on […]

Not New –Still Top Landscape Performers

A senior gardener knows that many new plant cultivars (varieties) are often no better than what had come before. Many “superstar” shrubs, some released a decade or more ago, are still topnotch performers in many parts of the U.S. Here are six which I continue to recommend highly. ‘Low &Behold® Blue Chip Jr.’ Butterfly Bush is a super compact 18-30 […]