Exclamation! London Plane Tree (Platanus x acerifolia Exclamation!™) is probably one the most improved cultivars to date (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Exclamation! was introduced by Dr. George Ware at the Morton Arboretum and released through the Chicagoland Grows® program. Exclamation! develops a strong central leader, a uniform upright pyramidal shape (when young), a vigorous growth […]
Archive for the ‘Disease resistant’ Category
Four Old Fashioned Hostas Continue To Delight
During my annual summer travel to public gardens around the U.S., several clumps of old-timey hostas that were popular in the 1960’s and ’70’s caught my eye. These hosta beauties still own their garden place. Here are listed only four, but there are so many more. ‘Gold Standard’is an old-time favorite. In August multiple pink-lavender […]
Crape Myrtle Diseases And Pests
Not all crape myrtle cultivars are alike. Some are more susceptible to diseases and insect pests more than others. Overall, the U.S. National Arboretum (USNA) hybrid crapemyrtles are more disease and insect resistant, but not to all problems. Some cultivars are susceptible to aphids, usually in the spring. Their sugary excretions over leaves and stems […]
Versatile Long-blooming Catmints
Catmint (Nepeta spp.) is a favorite of cats who like to roll around in it, sometimes to the detriment of the plant(s) (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). There are several species of catmint. Most popular are the gray-green leafed N. x faassenii and hairy gray heart-shaped leafed N. racemosa. Depending on the cultivar selected, this versatile […]
Become Immersed In Swamp Hibiscus
Swamp mallow, aka swamp hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) is native to marshes and swamps in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida (USDA hardiness Zones 6 to 9). Vibrant red flowers cover the tall 4–8-foot plant(s) from June through September. Space plants 3 feet wide apart. Deeply cut maple-like foliage presents a lush tropical look and the […]
Mimosa Tree- Love It or Weed It
Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) is essentially a 4-5 month ornamental tree indigenous from Iran to China (USDA hardiness zones 6-9). From late spring through summer, mimosa struts an attractive fine textured foliage and beautiful flowering. This small tree rarely leafs out until mid-May (in zone 6) and offers little in autumnal leaf color. Two seedling forms, […]
Blazing Star– Electric Summer Flowering Perennial
Blazing star (Liatris spp.) is a popular summer flowering perennial. Also called gayfeather, it belongs in the aster family. This tall, upright, clump-forming perennial is found in moist meadows and at the edge of a marsh. (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). Liatris makes an excellent addition to a rain garden. Its distinctively reddish-purple flower spikes win […]