River Mist Northern sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium ‘River Mist’), formerly Uniola latifolia, is a recent plant introduction with striking green and white variegated foliage on slightly arching stems. River Mist grows shorter than the species, 30-36 inches tall and 24-36 inches wide. Northern sea oats is one of the more shade tolerant of the ornamental […]
Archive for the ‘Disease resistant’ Category
Colorful Pentas Bloom In Summer’s Heat And Humidity
Pentas, aka Egyptian starflower, (Pentas lanceolata) excel in the summer flower garden. Only a few years ago, pentas were only found decorating window boxes and other containers. Today, they have becoming a popular bedding plant in geographic areas where summer temps get hot. Pentas grow best in full to part sun (6-hours minimum), and preferably, […]
‘Green Giant’ Arborvitae: A Terrific Green Privacy Screen
Western arborvitae (Thuja plicata) is a large native evergreen tree from the Western U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 5-7). As many as 30 cultivars are available among dwarf, weeping, and variegated leaf forms. One of the most popular selections is ‘Green Giant,’ a hybrid between T. plicata and T. standishii, a Japanese arborvitae. In its native […]
‘Pink Lemonade’ Blueberries Will Delight Your Taste Buds
Pink Lemonade blueberry (Vaccinium x ‘Pink Lemonade’) is a new variety introduction from the USDA. It combines the benefits of growing a beautiful landscape plant and one that produces a tasty crop of pinkish red blueberries. Pink Lemonade is also very winter hardy (USDA hardiness zone 4). Select a sunny location, preferably with an […]
Bright Clivia Flowers Bring Cheer Over A Dreary Winter
If you’re suffering from the winter blahs, colorful orange clivia (Clivia miniata) flowers will brighten your home. This sub-tropical house plant is native to South Africa, a member of the lily family (Liliaceae), is easy to grow and re-blooms every year as amaryllis or Christmas cactus do. Its wide, strap-like dark evergreen leaves remain blemish […]
Vernal Witchhazel and New Cultivar ‘Quasimodo’
Vernal witchhazel (H. vernalis) is a dense growing 8 to 12 foot native shrub which blooms in mid-winter in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). It is winter hardy to zone 4. Small ½ inch wide yellow flowers, flushed red at the base, emit a pleasant witchhazel aroma in the February […]
‘Otto Lukyen’ Cherry Laurel Exhibits Better Winter Hardiness
Otto Luyken (Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’) is a very compact form of cherry laurel. It produces showy, fragrant, erect white spike flowers primarily in the spring, and repeats with light blooming thru the summer months. Its fragrant white flowers are showy racemes which rise several inches above the foliage in mid-spring. Its glossy pointed tip […]
Witchhazels Invent Their Own Season
Witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.) are medium to large shrubs which can be shaped into small trees by judicious pruning. In general, all witchhazels grow in full sun but can prosper with moderate amounts of shade. Other than pruning, they require little extra care. Plant in any soil type as long as it is adequately drained and mildly acidic. Species native to the Eastern […]
Long-Lived Cedar of Lebanon – A Record Of Human History
Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) is a tree aristocrat among conifers. Among the true evergreen cedars it is rated the cold hardiest (USDA zone 5). Its broad horizontal branching and dark green needles defines this tree. The bright green tufted needles are less than 1 inch long and not as showy as the more popular […]