Archive for the ‘Drought tolerant’ Category

Ice Plant – A Cool Plant For Dry Sunny Spots

From the extreme heat and dry climates of east and Southern Africa come the hardy ice plants (Delosperma spp.). There are two popular species, Purple ice plant (D. cooperi) and Orange-yellow iceplant (D. nubigenium), plus hybrid cultivars galore. Ice plants are dependable zone 6 winter hardy succulents. They’re excellent candidates for roof top and rock […]

Don’t Shy Away From Annual Vincas (Periwinkles)

Annual vinca or periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) is a summer flowering annual popular in Southern and Midwest gardens (USDA hardiness zones 9-11). When summer’s heat and humidity soars, vincas look their best and bloom the heaviest. Vincas sparkle in containers, in flower beds, or in front borders around building foundations. Transplants are set out in mid-spring […]

Growing Sunflowers Fun Family Activity

Growing sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are the current rage. Sunflowers are native to Central America and have been cultivated for thousands of years. Sunflowers are classified as annuals, living one growing season, and often returning the following spring from seeds dropped the previous fall. Some gardeners put out large beds to feed the birds. Sunflowers come […]

Attracting Monarch Butterflies To Your Garden

From Canada to Mexico, gardeners are called upon to halt the decline of the Monarch butterfly populations across North America. The best way you can help is to fill your garden with Monarch’s favorite flowering nectar plants and milkweeds (Asclepias spp.). Plants should be sited in open full sun and moist well-drained soil. Avoid spraying […]

Serviceberry- Favorite Tree of Gardeners And Birdwatchers

On an early late winter’s morn, the frosty appearance from a nearby mountainside may actually be from our native serviceberries (Amelanchier spp.) (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Serviceberry’s small white blooms frequently signals that winter’s end is near. Flowering may last 7-10 days. Downy serviceberry (A. arborea) and shrubby Allegheny serviceberry (A. laevis) are commonly planted. […]

‘Blackout’ Heuchera Exceptionally Vigorous Type

A floral bouquet full of tiny flowers stand tall above the high gloss ebony foliage of Blackout coralbells (Heuchera x ‘Blackout’) (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). The foliage holds its color and sheen most of the summer. The foliage is evergreen through the winter in zones 6 thru 8. Airy spikes of cream colored […]

Hypearls® St. John’s Wort Worth The Hype

St. John’s Wort’s (Hypericum spp.) are terrific landscape shrubs and ground covers with bright yellow flowers in late spring and colorful berry fruits starting in late summer (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Bees and birds are attracted to flowers and fruits respectively. Hypearls® are a new series of hypericums. Cultivars are available in four compact growing […]

Plant Native Allegheny Spurge More

  Japanese pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) is a popular ground cover for partly shaded landscape areas. Our native pachsandra, called Allegheny spurge (P. procumbens), is less known and utilized. The glossy dark evergreen leaves are wider than Japanese pachysandra. Clusters of white bottlebrush flowers emerge 2-4 inches high in early spring; flowers mature pale pink as […]

Sweetbox – Excellent Evergreen Shrub For Shady Areas

Few evergreen shrubs grow in the shade. Sweetbox (Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis) is a compact dwarf evergreen shrub or ground cover which is easy to grow (USDA hardiness zone 5-b to 8). Foliage remains lustrous dark green year-round. Sweetbox grows in partial to full shade, 1 to 2 feet tall and 6 to 8 feet […]

‘Thunderhead’ Pine

Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’) is a dwarf compact form of Japanese black pine (USDA hardiness zones 5b-8). Expect this slow-growing conifer to reach 5 feet high and 4 feet wide in 10 years. Whereas Japanese black pine grows 60 to 80 feet tall, Thunderhead matures to 20 to 25 feet in height […]