Archive for the ‘Fertilizing plants’ Category

Umbrella Pine—A Conifer Collector’s Dream Plant

  Japanese Umbrella Pine (Sciadopitys verticillata) is an evergreen (USDA hardiness zones 5b -9). It is not actually a pine.  Historically, umbrella pines date back to the dinosaur age. This mid-sized landscape tree displays several fine attributes: shiny leaves are arranged in whorls like the spokes of an umbrella; peeling, reddish brown bark and a […]

Toadlilies In The Autumn Garden

Toadlilies (Tricyrtis spp.) are late season flowering perennials in the shade garden. Most perennials have finished blooming as their flower buds are forming. They’re native to moist woodsy environs of India, China and Japan and are Botanical members of the lily (Lilaceae) family (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). When properly sited, toadlilies are long-lived and require […]

Osage Orange As A Landscape Tree

Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) has been declawed and neutered (USDA Zones 5-9). A member of the mulberry family (Moraceae), this tough prairie tree species is native to east Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. It grows fast @ 2 ½ to 3 feet per year. It is also called Bois D’Arc (pronounced “bow-dark”). Osage orange is a […]

Fall Lawn Care Tips

  The fall season is  “spring-time” for home lawn care. This is a great opportunity to apply grass seed, fertilize, and eliminate weeds in cool season lawns. In Tennessee (USDA hardiness zones 6-7), cool season grasses (fescue, bluegrass and perennial rye) are fertilized in mid-September with a high nitrogen-based fertilizer, available at most garden centers. […]

Success In Growing Franklinia Tree

Franklinia (Franklinia altamaha) is a uniquely different large shrub or small tree. Great plant for the “I can grow anything crowd”. Rated hardy in USDA hardiness zones 5-8, I’ve never seen a landscape quality specimen in zone 5 and find that the tree performs best in zones 6 to 7. Success with growing franklinia hinges on […]

‘Henry Eilers’ Coneflower (Rudbeckia)

Called “sweet coneflower” (Rudbeckia subtomentosum), this U.S. Midwest prairie species is a long-lived perennial that grows in a variety of soils (USDA hardiness zones 4-8).  Sweet coneflower prefers full or partial sun (6 hours minimum) and a moist well-drained loamy soils. It is highly drought tolerant after its first year in the garden. Established plants emerge in mid-spring as a […]

Growing Morning Glories

Morning glory vines (Ipomoea tricolor) add a dash of old fashion charm to today’s gardens. YES! these aggressive vines demand a high degree of attention. Their funnel or tubular-shaped flowers open in the morning and close late in the afternoon. In a single growing season, vines may grow 6 to 12 feet and more (depending on variety). Morning […]

Ligularias For Moist Sites

Ligularias (ligs) are big leafy perennials whose roots must be kept constantly moist so that plants don’t wilt or  “faint”. An established plant may tolerate several days in dry soil, yet the droopy foliage will recover from the water loss each night. Several species are tropical (under the genus Farfugium). Bigleaf ligs (L. dentata) and narrow-spiked ligularias (L. stenocephala), […]

Favorites Among The Rose Of Sharon (Althea) Shrubs

Rose of Sharon, aka shrub althea, (Hibiscus syriacus) is a woody hibiscus shrub that is hardy in temperate northern areas of the U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). This summer flowering shrub is exceptionally easy to grow. At one time,  it was a great pass-along shrub that fell out of favor. However, old fashioned varieties frequently reseeded […]

Growing Castor Bean Plant

Over the years castor bean (Ricinus communis) plants have been a common sight in public gardens. These tall ornamental annuals are cherished for both their colorful flowers and seed capsules, and bold foliage. The species, a botanical member of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), is indigenous to the southeastern Mediterranean region, Eastern Africa, and India. Unlike many spurges, the […]