Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is low maintenance woody-based perennial. It grows in a dry to medium moist average soil and, first and foremost, in full sun. It’s a long-lived perennial which stands up to summer’s heat and humidity (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). Branches tend to flop or take on a droopy appearance in late summer. […]
Archive for the ‘Fertilizing plants’ Category
Long Blooming Colorful ‘Kaleidoscope’ Flowering Abelia
Abelia (Abelia x grandiflora) is a popular shrub in the Southeastern U.S. (USDA hardiness zones 6–9). Foliage is evergreen in USDA Zone 7 and south. The cultivar ‘Kaleidoscope’ is a form of abelia that can be utilized as a 2 to 3 feet tall by 3 to 4 feet wide compact shrub or low spreading […]
‘Silberlocke’ Korean fir Gets Lots of Favorable Comments
In any season visitors to your garden should immediately take notice of ‘Silberlocke’ korean fir. Korean fir (Abies koreana) is a densely branched pyramidal evergreen tree. Growth is slow in the beginning, eventually reaching 50 feet or more in mature height. The wide 3/4 inch long needles are dark green and glossy above and silvery […]
‘Bikini-tini’ Colocasia Creates Movement in The Garden
Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta), aka taro, ape plant, and elephant ear, among other names, is marginally hardy in the Southern Appalachian region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). The 2011 colocasia introduction ‘Bikini-tini’ has garnered high praise from neighbors and friends visiting my garden in the summer. Bikini-tini is a strong stemmed thick-leaved plant that grows 4 to 5 feet in height. […]
‘Thailand Giant’ Elephant Ears A Tropical Wonder
In many areas of the U.S.’Thailand Giant’ elephant ears (Colocasia gigantea) is classified as an annual (USDA hardiness zone 8-10). It grows best in full to partial sunlight (6-hours minimum) and planted in a compost-rich well-drained garden soil or good container potting media. A young plant should be moved outdoors and brought back indoors when […]
Why Peonies Do Not Bloom
Herbaceous peonies (Paeonia x lactiflora) are among the easy to care for and long-lived garden perennials. If you plant them correctly in compost rich, well-drained soil and a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight, they will bloom for the next 30+ years. If peonies fail to bloom, here are 8 probable causes: 1. Planting crowns […]
Cool Blooming Osteospermums
Osteospermums (Osteospermum x hybrida ) are members of the daisy (Asteraceae) family, commonly called African Daisy, Blue-eyed Daisy, or Cape Daisy. Osteos are cool season annuals that excel in northern and less so in southern U.S. gardens. Osteos bloom more profusely in full sun, but want some cooling relief during the summers. Osteos have always […]
Silverbell Tree Are Great Additions To Your Garden
Carolina silverbells (Halesia spp.) bloom as the last bracts of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) have fallen. Clusters of white or pale pink bell-shaped flowers open along the branches. Flowers appear first and medium green leaves emerge a few days later. Silverbells vary tremendously in the wild. Some grow large shrub-like, or as small multi-trunked trees […]
‘Appalachian Spring’ Dogwood Highly Disease Resistant
This may be old news, but definitely worth repeating. Twenty five years ago a dreaded dogwood disease threatened to eliminate our beautiful spring flowering tree from our gardens. Appalachian Spring flowering dogwood (Cornus florida ‘Appalachian Spring’) was found at the Camp David Presidential Retreat atop Catoctin Mountain in Maryland. Currently, Appalachian Spring is the only dogwood cultivar […]