Anthuriums are easy to grow houseplants. They have become wonderful plant gifts around the holidays and birthdays. First and foremost, anthuriums are low light tropical plants. They grow best in bright, indirect light, but produce fewer flowers in low light. Anthuriums sport long-lasting glossy, deep-green leaves and sturdy flowering bract-like blooms. The flowers of an […]
Archive for the ‘Potting Mix’ Category
Growing Cyclamen In The Home
Cyclamens, the non-hardy forms, have become popular gift plants. Cyclamens are incorrectly labelled as tropical houseplants at garden shops. Many people enjoy this flowering plant for long as possible and toss it once blooming has stopped. Cyclamens enjoy a long blooming period indoors in a cool room and are fussy, a bit of a challenge […]
Growing Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia)
Angel trumpet (Brugmansia) is tropical plant native from Venezuela to Peru (USDA hardiness zones 7-b to 10). Plants are surprising hardy outdoors in zone 6-b in protected areas. This beautiful perennial/shrub, grown in tree form, reaches heights of 6-10 feet. It is a member of the Solanaceae family which includes tomato, potato, petunia, nicotiana and other great garden plants. They’re […]
Lipstick Plant (Vine) – Lovely Flowering House Plant
Nothing brightens up a room more than a flowering plant. One of my favorites is lipstick plant or lipstick vine (Aeschynanthus spp.), a close relative of the African violet. The green leaf form A. radicans is very popular with shiny dark green leaves and orange, pink, purple flowering varieties. Lipstick plant is a free bloomer, […]
Annual Geraniums Make Garden Comeback
Once popular annual geraniums (Pelargonium x) are making a comeback with U.S. gardeners. Geraniums are also planted in window boxes or hanging baskets. Three types of geraniums are sold at garden centers: zonal or bedding geraniums (P. x hortorum), ivy-leaf geraniums (P. peltatum), and Martha Washington geraniums (P. x domesticum). Color choices include red, pink, rose, salmon, […]
Re-blooming Poinsettia This Fall
The winter holidays may be over, but your poinsettia plant is likely still looking pretty. If you opt to grow and re-bloom your plant next Christmas, follow this growing schedule. Keep the soil evenly moist and set the plant in bright daylight. Feed bi-monthly with a house plant fertilizer. Inspect and rid your plants of all […]
All About Soil Drainage
Many landscape plants die because they were planted in soil that was too wet or soggy. Poorly drained soils are generally poorly aerated. A high water table in an area limits your choices of plants that you may grow. Plants that grow naturally along streams and ponds are good candidates for poorly drained sites. During periods of heavy […]
Tips for Growing Abutilon (Flowering Maple)
Abutilon (Abutilon x hybridum) is a group of tender evergreen perennials (USDA hardiness zones 9-11). In USDA hardiness zones 6 thru 8, abutilon is grown outdoors from mid-spring to mid- autumn, when it is moved indoors and grown as a tropical houseplant. When moved indoors, partially cut back to fit its indoor space. In early spring prune the plant […]
New Angelface Angelonias Produce Larger Flowers
Angelonias, aka summer snapdragons, (Angelonia angustifolia) hail from Mexico. Angelonias are top performing summer flowering annuals (USDA zones 9 -11). The AngelFace® series were recently developed by Proven Winners (PW). Plants are covered with snapdragon-like blooms up and down the floral stems, 18-24 inches high and 12-18 inches wide. Angelface series boast slightly larger green leaves and bigger blooms than […]
Princess Flower Excels Where Summers Are Hot
Princess Flower or Glory Bush (Tibouchina spp.) is a tropical shrub (from Brazil) that produces beautiful showy purple flowers. It blooms over a long time span (USDA hardiness zones 9-12). The most popular species in cultivation is T. urvilleana. A well-tended plant can be trained into a miniature tree in a large container for patios and decks. This […]