Red Abyssinian banana (Ensete maurelii ‘Red Abyssinian’) is a tropical banana from high in the mountains of Ethiopia in eastern Africa. Its enormous reddish to purplish foliage and red – burgundy trunk adds a tropical presence to any garden. Compared to hardier banana genus Musa, Ensete does not produce root suckers […]
Archive for the ‘Potting Mix’ Category
Many New Beebalm Cultivars Continue to Roll Out
Bee balms, aka bergamots or Oswego tea (Monarda spp.) are native to eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 4-9). Plants are easy to grow, bloom beautifully, and multiply rapidly. They are treasured for their raging colored flowers and medicinal properties. Numerous bee pollinators as well as butterflies and hummingbirds favor the summer blooms. The native […]
Prep Garden Soil In The Fall
Often, spring arrives with too many gardening chores to handle. Some work can be shifted to the fall. Since a garden is only as good as its soil, fall is a good time to till your garden or to construct new beds. Add soil amendments such as deciduous leaves and pine needles which nature is providing for free. Till amendments […]
Ice Plant – A Cool Plant For Dry Sunny Spots
From the extreme heat and dry climates of east and Southern Africa come the hardy ice plants (Delosperma spp.). There are two popular species, Purple ice plant (D. cooperi) and Orange-yellow iceplant (D. nubigenium), plus hybrid cultivars galore. Ice plants are dependable zone 6 winter hardy succulents. They’re excellent candidates for roof top and rock […]
‘Blackout’ Heuchera Exceptionally Vigorous Type
A floral bouquet full of tiny flowers stand tall above the high gloss ebony foliage of Blackout coralbells (Heuchera x ‘Blackout’) (USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8). The foliage holds its color and sheen most of the summer. The foliage is evergreen through the winter in zones 6 thru 8. Airy spikes of cream colored […]
Norfolk Island Pine Makes Decorative Holiday Tree
Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is native to tiny Norfolk Island located in the South Pacific. This tropical evergreen tree is now planted around the world and appears to be hardy in Northern Florida (USDA hardiness zone 9). In the wild this fast-growing tree grows to 80 feet in height. Norfolk Island Pine makes a […]
Are You Growing A Thanksgiving or Christmas Cactus?
If your “Christmas cactus” is blooming on Thanksgiving Day, it is likely not a true Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi) which flowers a month or more later. Thanksgiving cactus (S. truncata) is frequently sold as “Christmas cactus”. Holiday shoppers often decorate with what’s in the store after Thanksgiving and the plants are frequently mislabeled. Christmas […]
‘Morgan’ Oriental Arborvitae
When dwarf conifer hobbiests visit one another’s gardens, they discover new plants, some which later show up in their own landscape. Morgan oriental arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis ‘Morgan’) has become very popular among collectors living in the southeast and mid-Atlantic regions. Morgan arb is a fairly slow-growing, typically 5 inches or less per year. It provides […]
How To Re-Bloom a Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)
Perhaps this past year a friend gifted you a lovely moth orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.). Late summer and early fall is an excellent time to re-bloom it, if you live in USDA hardiness zones 6 through 8. The overall health of the plant should be good. Moth orchids require a fluctuation of between 15 – 20°F […]
Awaken Overwintering Tropical Plants
If you live in USDA zones 6 and 7, early March is usually the proper time to re-awaken containers of tender tropicals stored in your garage or moved in to join your house plants last fall. Likely, they’ve already begun to sprout. Specifically, angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.), elephant ears (Colocasia spp. and Alocasia spp.), cannas […]