Some 40 years ago, Dr. Dale Lindgren, plant breeder at the University of Nebraska released ‘Husker Red’ penstemon (Penstemon digitalis). This pioneering variety has purple-green foliage and white flowers. New penstemon varieties continue through the breeding pipeline with larger and colorful blooms, more compact habit, or dark foliage. (Z 3-8). Penstemons (Beardstongue) belong to the […]
Archive for the ‘Propagation (Seed)’ Category
Creeping Jenny – Accent /Weed
Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’, aka creeping yellow loosestrife, golden moneywort, and several more colloquial names). It is an herbaceous, semi-evergreen perennial in the primrose (Primulaceae) family native to Europe (USDA hardiness zones 3-8). Introduced in North America this ornamental ground cover grows aggressively. Be careful what you invite into your garden as this fast-growing plant […]
Summer Blooming Trees
Other than crape myrtles, few trees bloom in July and August. Here are four exceptions: Chaste tree, Sourwood, Golden Raintree, and Franklinia. Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is a 10-15 feet tall, vase-shaped, deciduous shrub or a small 15-20 feet tree. The species is native from southern Europe and Asia. It is often mistaken as a purple-flowering […]
2023 Carex Evaluation From Mt Cuba
The native plant research team at Mt Cuba Center in Hockessin, DE has recently published the results of a 3-year Carex (sedge) study in which they evaluated 70 species and cultivars. The study included a number of under-planted Carex species and varieties. One grouping was grown in full sun and a second planting was tested […]
Native Catalpa Trees
Catalpa Tree Northern catalpa or cigartree (Catalpa speciosa) overpowers most private landscapes by their enormous presence (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). This 40-60 feet large native tree commonly grows along roadsides, particularly on bottomlands from Illinois and Missouri south thru Arkansas and Tennessee. Catalpa is not a tree seen planted in most residential neighborhoods because of […]
Sweet Azalea
Sweet azalea (Rhododendron arborescens), aka smooth azalea, produces fragrant flowers in June. The native deciduous species grows along streams on woodland slopes and moist shrubby balds in the Appalachian Mountains from southern Pennsylvania and eastern Kentucky to North Georgia and Alabama. Here in Tennessee, you may spot this sweetly fragrant white blooms while hiking at […]
Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata) is a heavy flowering, vigorously growing vine in the Bignoniaceae (trumpet creeper) botanical family. It is native to the Southeastern and South-Central states including Texas. Once established, this vine stretches 30 to 50 feet high and spreads from 6 – 9 feet wide. A cross section of its stem reveals a marking resembling the […]
Red Buckeye – Delightful Small Flowering Tree
Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia), aka Firecracker Plant, is a southeastern U. S. native that is a large understory shrub or small tree. A member of the Sapindaceae (maple) family, this lovely spring flowering beauty grows 15 to 25 feet tall in 30 years and is a perfect fit in small yards. It is native from […]
Large Bulbous Alliums
The huge ornamental ball-types flowering onions (Allium spp.) are standouts in the late spring/early summer garden (Zones 5-9). Bulbous alliums are both architectural and colorful wonders. Bulbs are planted in the fall. Bulbous alliums require full sun for best growth. They make stunning garden borders, beds, and cottage gardens. They have a major visual impact […]
Worst Weed Ever Is Here?
Mulberryweed (Fatoua villosa) is not related to mulberry trees but its leaves look a little like mulberry foliage. A native of eastern Asia, it was introduced into North America in the latter half of the 20th century. Currently, it is seen in the Southeastern United States from Maryland to Florida, west to Texas and Oklahoma, north […]