Archive for the ‘Propagation (Seed)’ Category

Siberian Wallflowers – Tough Winter Annuals

In areas of the U.S. where winters are mild, Siberian Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri), (formerly Cheiranthus cheiri), is  an early flowering favorite in the late winter garden. The species hails from Southern Europe (USDA hardiness zones 7-9). Many books list them as biennials and a few as “tempermental perennials”. Wallflower is a woody-based herbaceous perennial subshrub in the mustard […]

Six Easy To Grow Spring Wildflowers

These six native wildflowers emerge in early spring in rich woodland soils. In gardens grow them in moist, organically rich soils in partial to full shade. Adding compost substitutes for fertilizing. All grow in moderately acidic to slightly alkaline soils (pH 6.0-7.5). Plants go dormant by early to mid-summer, earlier if soils dry out. Under ideal […]

Smoketrees For Their Multi-Seasonal Appeal

Smoketree or smokebush (Cotinus coggygria) is a large shrub or small tree native from southern Europe to central China (USDA hardiness zones 5-8). Over time it typically matures to 10-15 feet high and wide. Depending on cultivar (see list below), smoketrees have oval leaves tinted in rich purple, gold, or green shades. Generally, they grow […]

Dependable Conifer Trees For Southeast U.S. Landscapes

Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica var. glabra) is a southwestern U.S. conifer tree that is often underplanted. Soil drainage is an absolute must! Growth rate is moderate (15 feet high after 10 years) and eventually will reach 30-50 feet at maturity. (zones 7-9). I have seen multi-year specimens thriving in zone 6b. Deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara) is […]

Some Conifers Don’t Like Summer Heat And Clay Soils

Most conifers are best grown in deep, moist, well-drained, acidic loamy soils and in full sun. In the deep South evergreen conifers are challenged by warm soils, poor soil drainage, and humidity. Humidity increases their susceptibility to diseases. Once established they are drought tolerant, but most fail in poorly drained wet soils. Many pine species […]

Care Of Rhododendrons

In the U.S., two species of rhododendrons, Catawa (Rhododendron catawbiensis) and Rosebay (R. maximum), are plentiful in the Appalachian Mountain region. Their roots feed in part on the rich humus material in the rocky mountain soils. Over time fallen leaves, twigs, and flower parts decay into additional humus. Humus improves soil aeration and drainage, yet […]

Ten Stars Of The Winter Landscape

Here are 10 reliable plants that shine in my Tennessee garden (Zone 6-b) during the winter season: Witchhazels (Hamamelis spp.) –two species bloom in winter: (a). Vernal witchhazel (H. vernalis) blooms in mid- to late- January (zones 4-8). (b). Chinese witchhazel hybrids (H. x intermedia) dominate the month of February into March. – deciduous, large […]

There Is Nothing “Minor” About These Bulbs

Companion bulbs, often called “minor bulbs”, are early signs that spring is coming. Three of the most reliable are snowdrops, winter aconites and Glory of the snow. They bloom before crocus in winter. Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) returns with floral beauty less than three months after planting. Plants poke through the ground, grow and flower 3 to 6 […]

Lots Of Choices In European Hornbeams

European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus),, aka ironwood and musclewood, is an underused tree in the U.S. It makes an excellent urban street and park tree. It develops a full, dense canopy and has very few maintenance requirements (USDA hardiness 4-7).  European hornbeams are planted across Europe for their formal upright form as street trees, privacy screens, […]

Black Gum (Tupelo) Tree

Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) or tupelo tree is a native to Eastern North America (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). It is native from the New England states southward into Florida and west to Eastern Texas.  Seedlings of this wonderful woodland and landscape tree start off slowly, but will mature to heights of 50 to 60 feet […]