To start, the botanical literature is a little confusing regarding the two silverbell species. Mountain silverbell (Halesia tetraptera; formerly H. carolina) and two-winged silverbell (H. diptera) are native to the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia. (Zones 6-9). Silverbells are either small- to medium-sized deciduous trees or large, multi-stemmed shrubs. It blooms in the spring (late-March […]
Archive for the ‘Pruning’ Category
Foamflowers For Your Shade Garden
Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) is a low-growing, clump-forming woodland perennial groundcover. It grows naturally in moist forests, coves, and well-drained bottomlands where it spreads by slender runners (stolons) to form dense, 1-2 feet wide clumps of foliage or colonies. Small spikes of creamy white spring flowers and its attractive bright green foliage are solid pluses in […]
Why Newly Planted Trees Die
The loss or decline of a newly planted tree or shrub is usually a result of multiple factors. One of the worst mistakes is planting trees or shrubs too deeply – whether they are planted by a home gardener or a landscape professional. I’ve witnessed both. Surface roots are deprived of oxygen the deeper trees […]
‘Jeana’ Phlox 2024 PPOY
The Perennial Plant Association (PPA) has selected ‘Jeana’ the 2024 Perennial Plant of the Year (PPOY). This exceptional garden phlox is recognized for its impressive flower show, tall sturdy plant habit, and pollinators’ delight. (USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8). Dense, domed lavender-pink flowers stand atop long sturdy stems from midsummer to early fall. Individually, […]
Growing The True Christmas Cactus
Despite its name, the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera buckleyi) is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees and rocks in habitats that are generally shady with high humidity. This tropical member of the Cactus family (Cactaceae) is not a true cactus. Tiny roots may cling to the plant or rock that it’s growing on. It is […]
Vines Worth Growing
Vines add a vertical dimension in your garden. With many vines, you don’t need to construct expensive arbors and trellises for them to climb. Borrowing an idea from nature, vines love to ramble or attach readily onto shrubs and trees. Some vines like periwinkle (Vinca minor) and English ivy (Hedera helix) make attractive ground covers […]
Foster Holly
Foster holly (Ilex x attenuata) is an old holly favorite which has not lost its sizzle. Cultivars of Foster Hollies were selected by E.E. Foster of Foster Nursery in Bessemer, Alabama in the 1950s. It is utilized in a number of landscape options across the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7), including in containers in […]
January Blooming Vernal Witchhazel
This winter – follow your nose to Vernal witchhazel (Hamamelis vernalis), aka Ozark witchhazel. (USDA zones 4-8). This U.S. native witchhazel grows as a deciduous shrub to small tree. It may produce the smallest flowers of all witchhazel species, but they’re highly fragrant when little else is blooming. It naturally inhabits a wide area encompassing […]
Burls on Tree Trunks
An unusual swelling on trunks of trees and occasionally on large branches are “burls”. They’re round, swollen-looking growths on tree trunks and large scaffold branches. Should or shouldn’t you be concerned? Burls are not uncommon and can be found on cherry, maple, oak, buckeye, ash, willow, locust and walnut in Eastern forests. Root burls may […]
Uniquely Different Weeping Mulberry
Common (White) mulberry (Morus alba) is a fast-growing, medium sized, deciduous tree that typically grows to 30-50 feet tall and wide. It usually develops a wide-spreading rounded crown with age. This native to China is utilized either as a landscape shade and/or a fruit tree. (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). White Mulberry prefers a rich, moist, […]