Japanese cedar, aka cryptomeria, (Cryptomeria japonica) is the national tree of Japan and is also indigenous to China (USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8). Cryptomeria cultivars vary greatly from very dwarf to rounded shrubs to large tree forms. Needle-like foliage may be dark green, medium green, golden or contorted leaves. Cryptomerias tolerate hot humid summers and […]
Archive for the ‘winter hardiness’ Category
Determining A Plant’s Cold Hardiness
On-line nursery catalogs and plant labels at garden centers list the hardiness of the trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials that they sell. Many years ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed the hardiness rating scale based on geographic location from northern Canada to southern Mexico. Most U.S. gardeners live within Zones 3 to 11. Don’t know […]
New Christmas Roses (Hellebores) Greatly Improved
Christmas roses (Helleborus niger) is a winter flowering perennial. It is native to central and southern Europe (USDA hardiness zones 4-8) and is not as winter hardy as lenten rose (Helleborus x orientalis). Christmas rose tends to flower 1 to 4 weeks earlier, around the Christmas holidays in southern climes (zones 7-8). New selections of H. niger are better […]
Nellie R. Stevens Holly
Hollies and the winter season work well together. Female hollies with bright red fruits (yellow-fruited forms also) contrast with their glossy evergreen foliage. ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ holly (NRS), a female form, is a cross between English (Ilex aquifolium) and Chinese (I. cornuta) hollies. NRS is the popular holly choice in Southern landscapes (USDA hardiness zones 6 to 9). Hollies are dioecious, […]
All About Mulches
Mulches aid in retaining soil moisture and reducing weeding chores. Over the years organically-based mulches gradually improve garden soils. Organic mulches are basically recycled bark, branches, twigs and leaves (including needles). Frequently they are organic by-products from the logging industry. Grass clippings and straw are also mulch sources. Hay is usually full […]
Emerald™ Arborvitae
Emerald™ or ‘Emerald Green’ arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’) is not new shrub or cultivar. More than 3 generations of gardeners have used this unique form of eastern arborvitae as their “go to” evergreen shrub up and down the eastern coast and through the Midwest (USDA hardiness zones 3-7). Emerald is a semi-dwarf evergreen shrub with a […]
List of Zone 6 Hardy Camellias Grows Longer
If you live and garden in USDA hardiness zone 6, several camellia cultivars are winter hardy. The past decade has seen an increase in the list of hardy cultivars. These same cultivars are also reliable planted in zone 7. Here is a sampling of the best Zone […]
Species Tulips Thrive in Tough Spots
Species tulips (mini-tulips) are tough! In the wild they grow in the winter environs and dry soils of Central Asia, the Middle East, and China (USDA hardiness zones 3-7). In gardens they prosper for many years in full to partial sun and in average soil with good drainage. Over the centuries mini-tulips have been improved. […]