‘Okame’ Cherry is a hybrid between Taiwan Cherry (Prunus campanulata) and Fuji Cherry (P. incisa) (USDA hardiness zones 6-8). Okame is the first ornamental cherry to bloom in the Southern Appalachian Region (USDA hardiness zones 6 and 7). In the midst of a mild winter, Okame often starts blooming a few days after Valentine’s Day […]
Archive for the ‘winter hardiness’ Category
Challenging Sourwood Worth A Try
Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), aka lily of the valley tree, is one of the most beautiful U.S. native flowering trees (USDA hardiness zones 5-9). However, attempting to establish one in your landscape may prove challenging. The tree grows in sparse populations from eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina, and Georgia Piedmont. It grows naturally to 20-30 feet […]
Give Edgeworthia A Try In Your Winter Garden
To begin, I must thank South Carolina nurseryman, Mr. Ted Stephens, who gifted me a Chinese paperbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha) 12 years ago. Most plant authorities rate its winter hardiness to USDA zones 7 and 8, but no one told this to my edgeworthia in zone 6-b. People who see it blooming in my early March […]
‘Thunderhead’ Pine
Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’) is a dwarf compact form of Japanese black pine (USDA hardiness zones 5b-8). Expect this slow-growing conifer to reach 5 feet high and 4 feet wide in 10 years. Whereas Japanese black pine grows 60 to 80 feet tall, Thunderhead matures to 20 to 25 feet in height […]
Hepaticas Bloom In The Early Spring Garden
Hepatica (Hepatica spp), from the Latin word “Hepaticus” meaning liver, is sometimes cataloged as “Liverleaf” or “Liverwort” (USDA hardiness zones 4 – 9). It is one of the first spring wildflowers to bloom (March-April). H. americana, native to the eastern U.S. and Canada, bear showy white flowers that are sometimes tinged pink or blue. H. […]
Christmas Ferns Are Easy To Grow
On a woodland hike in the eastern U.S., lush colonies of evergreen Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) flourish along the moist slopes (USDA hardiness zones 3 to 8). This native perennial fern favors either a deep or light shade environment. A vigorous clump may grow 18 – 24 inches in height and width. Set new plants […]
Nativars – New Cultivars Of Native Plants
Nativar is a new term coined by Dr. Allan Armitage, Professor Emeritus from the University of Georgia. It combines the words “native” and “cultivar”. Nativar refers to a cultivar of a native plant. It attempts to excite the horticultural marketplace about new cultivars of native perennial plants, such as blackeyed Susan (Rudbeckia spp.), purple coneflower […]
2014 Perennial Plant Of the Year: ‘Northwind’ Switchgrass
Northwind switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’) is a 4 to 5 feet tall native prairie grass (USDA hardiness zones 4–9). There are many fine switchgrass varieties, but its Northwind’s vertical form and steel blue foliage that makes it a standout. Northwind switchgrass has been selected the 2014 Perennial Plant of the Year. By mid-summer its lacy soft pinkish […]