Over a century of rose breeding has rewarded gardeners with so many gorgeous garden roses: hybrid tea, grandiflora, floribunda and shrub types. Rose breeders have concentrated on plant vigor, flower color, disease resistance, and greater numbers of flowers over the growing season. Over the years, floral fragrance has been mostly ignored. In the past two […]
Archive for the ‘Garden Problems’ Category
Plant Awards Of 2021
For 2021, the National Garden Bureau (NGB), the non-profit organization promoting gardening in North America, has announced the five (5) plant classes that will be featured in the 2021 “Year of the” program. Annual: Year of the Sunflower Vegetable/edible: Year of the Garden Bean Perennial: Year of the Monarda Bulb: Year of the Hyacinth Flowering Shrub: Year of the Hardy […]
Calamint – 2021 Perennial Plant of The Year (PPOY)
Too begin a new gardening year, the Perennial Plant Association has named calamint (Calamintha nepeta ssp. nepeta) as the 2021 Perennial Plant of the Year. One landscaper designer describes calamint as “a cloud of confetti, tiny white flowers”. Plants are dotted with masses of tiny white (or pale blue) flowers from early summer to fall. […]
Caring For Thanksgiving/Christmas Cacti
Holiday cacti are not true cactus plants. They are native to tropical rainforests of South America and their care is much different than desert cacti. Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti refers to the time that they bloom in Fall. Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) and Christmas cactus (S. bridgesii are available in several flower colors: red, salmon, pink, purple, orange and […]
Anthuriums Thrive in Low Light
Anthuriums are easy to grow houseplants. They have become wonderful plant gifts around the holidays and birthdays. First and foremost, anthuriums are low light tropical plants. They grow best in bright, indirect light, but produce fewer flowers in low light. Anthuriums sport long-lasting glossy, deep-green leaves and sturdy flowering bract-like blooms. The flowers of an […]
Three Common Witchhazel Varieties
Common witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is likely the last native woody shrub or tree to bloom in the northern areas of the U.S. and Canada (USDA hardiness zone 3-8). This autumn blooming deciduous shrub or tree grows in open woodlands, often near a lake or a stream bank. Common witchhazels grow 15-20 feet tall as a large […]
Is Your Home Ready For Monstera?
Monstera, aka Swiss Cheese Philodendron or Split-leaf philodendron (Monstera deliciosa) is a climbing evergreen member of the Arum family (Araceae) native to the tropics of Central America. It may also be grown outdoors in (USDA plant hardiness zones 10-12). Monstera is grown for its large cutleaf foliage, sometimes perforated, that may grow up to 3 […]
Houseplants Improve Your Home Atmosphere
Houseplants decorate as well as clean the air at work and in homes or apartments, particularly when windows are closed over the winter months. Doctors tell us that an environment filled with lots of plants help to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve mind function, particularly our ability to concentrate. Here are six easy […]
Growing Cyclamen In The Home
Cyclamens, the non-hardy forms, have become popular gift plants. Cyclamens are incorrectly labelled as tropical houseplants at garden shops. Many people enjoy this flowering plant for long as possible and toss it once blooming has stopped. Cyclamens enjoy a long blooming period indoors in a cool room and are fussy, a bit of a challenge […]
Coast Leucothoe a Better Choice
Compared to other doghobble species, coast leucothoe or doghobble (Leucothoe axillaris) is a best choice for Southern U.S. landscapes (USDA zones 6 -9). This species is native to open woodland areas of the Southeastern U.S. The species grows along woodland slopes usually nearby a water source. However, its roots do not tolerate perennially damp ground. Doghobbles are […]