Archive for the ‘Weeds’ Category

Prep Garden Soil In The Fall

  Often, spring arrives with too many gardening chores to handle. Some work can be shifted to the fall. Since a garden is only as good as its soil, fall is a good time to till your garden or to construct new beds. Add soil amendments such as deciduous leaves and pine needles which nature is providing for free. Till amendments […]

Start A New Fescue Lawn In The Fall

Likely, summer heat and drought have taken their toll on your home lawn. Late summer and fall are opportune times to start a new home lawn. Rainfall is usually plentiful and cooler day-night temperatures should spur a rapid grass recovery. If your home lawn is mostly weeds, including unwanted bermuda grass, think about starting over. […]

“Death By Mower” Disease

“Mower disease” is a totally preventable human malady caused by permitting lawn grasses and weeds from growing near the crown of trees and shrubs. The problem is commonly seen on large properties such as church grounds, cemeteries and public parks. Large gang mowing machines (with many reels) cut 95-98% of the turf area. Workers follow […]

Labor Day Holiday Begins Home Lawn Recovery

Hopefully, summer’s extreme heat, drought, and in some areas flooding, are about over. Late summer and fall are opportune times to start a new or renovate your home lawn. Rainfall is usually plentiful and cooler day-night temperatures should spur a rapid grass recovery. Your current lawn may be mostly bare ground with lots of weeds. […]

Yellow Nutsedge Control Is In Your Hands

Yellow nutsedge, aka “nutgrass” (Cyperus esculentus) is a nasty weed found in lawn and garden areas. It is a sedge, and not a grass, and methods of eliminating it vary. Yellow nutsedge is easily identified by its yellow to light green glossy leaves and the triangular shape of the stem. It grows most actively during […]