Consider planting a colorful array of low shrubs, perennials, annuals, ground covers and spring bulbs with hostas. Additions must prefer partial sun to shade and moderate moist soil. Choose varieties with brightly colored foliage, structure, size, texture and color for contrast. Avoid aggressive vegetative companions. Hosta companions can include anemone, assorted ferns, astilbe, lenten roses (Helleborus), […]
Archive for the ‘Barrenwort (Epimedium)’ Category
Hosta Garden Companions

Planting Under Trees
Here is an idea that I picked up at Chanticleer Gardens in Wayne, Pennsylvania and pollinators will also love you for it. When planting a deciduous tree, make good use of the ground area beneath the tree by planting shade tolerant ground covers. Evergreen trees don’t work here. You can also create a beautiful planting […]

Deer Resistant Perennials
Most deer-resistant plants share several traits or characteristics: 1. Aromatic flowers / foliage; 2. thorny, bristly, or hairy (pubescent) leaves or stems; 3. toxic plants. If “deer pressure” (population) is exceptionally high, deer don’t heed plant lists like this one. Available food resources, species of deer, seasonal weather are all factors. Flowers, foliage, fruits, and […]

Three Really Cool Shade Plants
What three wildflowers can handle intense woodland shade. To most gardeners, hostas, Solomon seal, coral bells (Heuchera spp.), brunneras, and ferns are popular favorites. Expand your plant choices with these three shady favorites which are long-lived, low-care gems – Fairy wings (Epimedium spp), bellworts (Uvularia spp.), and shredded umbrella plant (Syneilesis). Fairy wings (Epimedium spp.), aka barrenworts, […]

Six Perennials For Dry Shade
Many of the following perennials tolerate dry shade but flourish in moist, well-drained soil. Each typically displays the richest foliage colors with a couple of hours of direct sunlight a day. All hold up well to dry conditions and are deer and rabbit resistant. Barrenworts (aka Bishop’s cap, Fairy Wings) (Epimedium spp.) represent over 70 […]

Favorites For The Shade
Here are ten of my favorite perennial plants for shady areas (USDA hardiness zones 4-7). All prosper in 1-2 hours of early morning sunlight and in humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil. Mulch to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. Hosta – unquestionably the shade favorite of U.S. gardeners. A low maintenance plant that returns every spring with lush […]

Fifteen Garden Perennials Which You Can’t Kill (Or Almost)
Here is a list of flowering perennials that need little care after planting. Ornamental grasses and ferns are not listed here. One steadfast rule that you must follow if this group of plants are to work for you: “choose the right plant for the right site”. Shady plants in full sun and terrestrial plants in swampy ground […]

Fairy Wings (Epimediums) Carefree Shady Groundcovers
Fairy wings, aka barrenwort (Epimedium spp.) thrive in shady spots. Fairy wings continue to be a plant collector’s dream. There are over 70 cultivars to choose and new hybrid selections coming along every year. No two cultivars are alike in flowering, foliage size and color. Species will vary from 6 to 20 inches in height […]

When To Prune Off Old Foliage Of Evergreen Perennials
Foliage of many popular evergreen perennials often appear tattered after a long cold winter. Coralbells (Heuchera spp.), foam flowers (Tiarella spp.), monkeygrass (Liriope spp.), fairy wings (Epimedium spp.), creeping phlox (Phlox subulata), periwinkle (Vinca minor), Japanese spurge (Pachysandra terminalis), and Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) are stunning evergreen groundcovers. The solution is simple– just prune them. […]

Epimediums Excel As Dry Shade Groundcovers
Epimediums, aka barrenwort or fairy wings, are slow-growing groundcovers which are hardy in USDA hardiness zones 4-9. Foliage varies by species, variety, and the season of the year. Most are deciduous, but some evergreen in the Southern Appalachian region (zones 6 and 7). The leaves of some may be chartreuse in spring, green in summer, […]