Spiller plants are species that trail over the edge of the pot with a cascading growth habit. Combined with erect-growing “thriller” plants as the focal point in container gardens, spillers bring texture, color, and visual interest to the rest of the pot. Trailing plants provide a “full look”, draping over edges of hanging baskets and […]
Archive for the ‘Bergenia (pigsqueak)’ Category
Bergenia Or Pigsqeak For Sun Or Shade
Bergenia (Bergenia spp), aka “pigsqeak”, is a herbaceous perennial with distinctive glossy, rounded leaves. Bergenias are native to the forest and alpine zones of China and Siberia. Eight species are available including heartleaf Bergenia (B. cordifolia), leather bergenia (B. crassifolia), and fringed bergenia (B. ciliata). Hybrid selections are also available. (USDA hardiness zones 4-8). Bergenia’s […]
Tidy Up These Perennials After Blooming Is Finished
Deadheading, the practice of removing the old spent flowers from perennials, is a way to improve a garden’s appearance and reduce overcrowding. Secondarily, many (not all) will rebloom after deadheading. Not all perennials respond to deadheading by reblooming. Most daylilies (Hemerocallis x.), coralbells (Heuchera spp.), and hostas (Hosta spp.) are prime examples of perennials that do not […]
Bergenias (Pigsqueak) Gaining More Respect
Heart-leaved bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia) is a clump-forming perennial indigenous to Russia (USDA hardiness zones 3-9). It has been coined the name “pig squeak” because of the noise produced by rubbing a leaf between your thumb and finger. Bergenias are planted most effectively enmasse as a ground cover. They spread slowly by rhizomes and tends to seed-in […]